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The international Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris - MathInParis2020 - Cofunded by Marie Sklodowska‑Curie Actions offered 40 PhD fellowships within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program "Marie Sklodowska‑Curie Co‑funding of Regional, National and International Programmes".

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 945332.

The main features of the program is to enhance the potential and future career perspective of young researchers by offering :

  • an extremely attractive place in FSMP network for international brilliant students planning to prepare a PhD in mathematics
  • a strengthened advising
  • a broadened support for career development

MathInParis2020 is the extension of the doctoral training program COFUND MathInParis that began in 2018 and offered 40 PhD fellowships in 2018 and 2019.

This program supports only PhD projects with an advisor that belongs to the FSMP network. More information can be found here.

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Eligibility criteria

Mobility rule : applicants may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the three years immediatly before the deadline of the co‑funded program's call. I.e. from February, 13th 2019 to February, 13th 2022.

Early‑stage researchers : candidates must have a master's degree or an equivalent diploma at the time of their enrolment and must be in the first four years of their research careers. Moreover, they must not have been awarded a doctoral degree.

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Results of the calls for applications

MathInParis2020 Doctoral programme granted 40 PhD projects spead over 2 calls in 2020‑2021 and in 2021‑2022. The second call ended on February 13th 2022. Selected fellows will start their PhD in September‑October 2022. There will be no more calls for application to this program.

Laureates of call 2020-2021

Click here for the list of call 2020-2021 laureates.

Laureates of call 2021-2022

Click here for the list of call 2021-2022 laureates.

Statistics of the call 2021-2022

61 candidates including 15 women.

Guide for applicants

Download here the guide to apply to this programme

Download here the Ethical issues questionnaire

Some information regarding your stay

You're ready for your next stay in Paris.
However, you wish to have more information about insurances, taxes, salary of transport : Click here

Contact information

If you have any question, please contact us at : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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This program is co‑funded by the European Commission under the programme H2020‑MSCA‑COFUND‑2019 Grant agreement 945332

The laureates of the Cofund Math In Paris program


2019 Laureates

The laureates of the call for application 2018‑2019 are, in alphabetical order :

  • ALLOUCH Samar
  • BRIGATI Giovanni
  • DAO Quang‑Duc
  • DAVID Noemi
  • DE BONDT Ben
  • DURIC Alen
  • EICHINGER Katharina
  • ETINSKI Simona
  • GHOLAMI Shayan
  • KATSAMAKI Christina
  • LEE David
  • LI Tzu‑Jan
  • ZHAO Ruishen
  • ZHU Yuzhe
2018 Laureates

The laureates of the call for application 2017‑2018 are, in alphabetical order :

  • ALVAREZ BORGES Frank Ernesto
  • ASLANI Shahriar
  • BECHTOLD Florian
  • BELLOUM Mohamed Ali
  • BERTONI Federico
  • DE Abhishek
  • HORII Hiroshi
  • IRIARTE CARRASCO Hernán Alberto
  • KAMILA Kare
  • LADGHAM Safa
  • MA Qiaochu
  • SCARCELLA Donato
  • SUNNY Anupa
  • TODESCHI Gabriele
  • TORRES Nicolas
  • WANG Zhouningxin


Focus Doc et Postdoc
Dans le cadre d'un accord entre la Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris et la Fondation Pierre Ledoux, le doctorant Pierre Gabriel (LJLL) a bénéficié en 2011 d'une bourse de 5000 euros lui permettant d'effectuer un séjour à Vanderbilt University...
Focus Doc et Postdoc
En tant que doctorant au laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (LPMA) - désormais LPSM, Clément Foucart a bénéficié en 2011 d’un séjour à Cambridge financé par la Fondation. La FSMP s'est entretenu avec lui à cette occasion....
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