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Emerging Behavior in Collective Dynamics (E. Tadmor)

Eitan Tadmor (Universté du Maryland), lauréat de la Chaire d'excellence de la FSMP en 2023, donnera un cours de niveau doctoral intitulé Emerging Behavior in Collective Dynamics les mercredis de 14h à 17h du 7 février au 27 mars 2024 à l'Institut Henri Poincaré (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie), en salle 314 (salle Pierre Grisvard) - à l'exception du mercredi 27 mars où le cours aura lieu en salle 201 (salle Maryam Mirzakhani).

affiche cours Tadmor pt

Résumé du cours :

Nature and human societies offer many examples of self-organized behavior: ants form colonies, birds flock, mobile networks synchronize, and consensus may emerge from interaction of diverse human opinions. These are simple examples of collective dynamic in which small scale interactions of so-called active particles, lead to emergence of high-order, larger-scale patterns. These lectures will survey recent mathematical developments in collective dynamics, starting with the influential works of Reynolds, Krause, Vicsek and Cucker & Smale. The dynamics is governed by different protocols of pairwise interactions. Collisions are avoided. There is a hierarchy of three levels of descriptions: agent-based description of swarm dynamics on a graph, a Vlasov-type kinetic description, and large-crowd hydrodynamic description. A main question of interest is how different classes of interaction kernels affect the large-time, large-crowd, non-equilibrium dynamics, leading to the emergence of different large-scale patterns.

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