Tropical curves and their enumeration
Résumé du cours
In these lectures we take a detailed look at tropical curves as well as the way they appear in higher‑dimensional varieties. The resulting theory has several applications, in particular, for solving some classical problems in real and complex enumerative geometry.
Horaires et lieu
Le cours a lieu à l'annexe du Collège de France (3 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris) de 10h à 12h les jours suivants :
- Lundi 3 novembre 2014
- Lundi 10 novembre 2014
- Lundi 17 novembre 2014
- Lundi 01 décembre 2014
Vidéos du cours
Tropical Curves and their Enumeration, séance n° 1
Tropical Curves and their Enumeration, séance n° 2
Tropical Curves and their Enumeration, séance n° 3
Tropical Curves and their Enumeration, séance n° 4
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