Annual Activity Reports

2007 to 2017 :
10 years of the FSMP
On the occasion of its anniversary, the FSMP has taken stock of its first 10 years of achievements. Click here for the 10-year report.
AERES evaluation report
LabEx SMP evaluation report
Mid-term evaluation report of LabEx SMP 2015
DIM Math Innov report
DIM Math Innov global report, from 2017 to 2022
Survey and Study
Survey on the Integration of PhDs in Ile-de-France
The FSMP, in partnership with the FMJH, the IHP, the LabEx Bézout and the COMUE Université Paris-Seine, commissioned Adoc Talent Management to conduct a major survey on the future of doctors in mathematics in Île-de-France after their thesis.
See the summary version of the survey results : Graphique_enquete_docteurs.pdf See the full report : Enquete_docteurs.pdf
Study of the socio-economic impact of mathematics France
Mathematics, an essential asset to meet the challenges of tomorrow: knowledge, innovation, competitiveness. In France, 15% of GDP and 9% of jobs are directly impacted by mathematics. The employability of mathematics graduates is well above the national average. Companies need mathematics to innovate.
Consult the study : etudeimpactsocioeconomiquedesmathematiquesenfrance-rapportfinal.pdf