
The FSMP is structured around a steering committee composed of ten mathematicians among whom the three directors of the Foundation.
It is administered by a board of directors including representatives of its founders and partners as well as scientific personalities from outside its network.
It is based on a scientific board made up of personalities from the academic and industrial world, both French and foreign.
Steering Committee
- Valerie Banica, LJLL, Professor at Sorbonne University, Co-manager of the PGSM program
- Francois Béguin, LAGA, Professor at Université Paris‑Nord
- Guillaume Chapuy, IRIF, Research Director CNRS, Deputy Director of the FSMP
- Jean-François Dat, IMJ‑PRG, Professor at Sorbonne Université, Deputy Director of the FSMP
- Thomas Duyckaerts, LAGA, Professor at Université Paris-Nord, Programme Manager PGSM
- Olivier Glass, CEREMADE, Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL
- Raphaël Lachieze-Rey, MAP5, Assistant professor at Université Paris Cité
- Marc Lelarge, Inria, Professor at DI ENS
- Frédéric Le Roux, IMJ‑PRG, Professor at Sorbonne Université, Programme Invited Professors and PhD students stays
- Stéphane Robin, LPSM, Professor at Sorbonne Université
- Béatrice de Tilière, CEREMADE, Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, Director of the FSMP
Board of Directors
Chairman :
- Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Honorary Professor at IHES
Founding member representatives:
- Elisabeth Angel-Perez, Sorbonne Université, Vice President Research and Innovation
- Christophe Besse, Director of CNRS Mathematics (INSMI)
- Marc Hoffmann, Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine PSL
- Adeline Nazarenko, Head of INS2I, CNRS
- Anne Christophe, Deputy Director of the Ecole Normale Supérieure
- Edouard Kaminski, President of Université Paris Cité (represented by Nathalie Eisenbaum, president of UPCité's Science Research Commission)
- Sinnou David, Professor at Sorbonne Université
- Christophe Giraud, CNRS Regional Delegate (Paris-Centre DR2)
- Arnaud Durand, Professor at Université Paris Cité, Treasurer
- Eric Fleury, Director of Inria Paris
- François Loeser, Professor at Sorbonne Université
Qualified personalities representing the academic world :
- Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Honorary Professor at IHES, Chairman of the Board
- Marta Sanz‑Solé, Professor at Universitat de Barcelona
Qualified personalities representing the economic world :
- Florence Picard, Institut des Actuaires
Two representatives of the network's professors and researchers:
- Pierre Colmez, Research Director CNRS at IMJ-PRJ (Sorbonne Université)
- Anne Queguiner-Mathieu, Lecturer at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.
A representative of the local authorities :
- Jérôme Gleizes, Paris Town Hall
The Government Commissioner in an advisory capacity :
- Bernard Beignier, Rector of the Académie de Paris (Clément Le Ruyet, representing the Rector of the Paris Academy)
An invited representative of the ITA/IATOS of the network :
- Kevin Ledocq, FSMP
Guests :
- Any person whose opinion is useful may be called by the president to attend, in an advisory capacity, the meetings of the board.
Scientific Board
- Karin Baur, Professor at University of Bochum and University of Leeds
- Guillaume Chapuy, IRIF, Research Director CNRS, Deputy Director of the FSMP
- Vincent Colin, Professor at Université de Nantes
- Thierry Coquand, Professor at Chalmers
- Jean-François Dat, Professor at Sorbonne Université, Deputy Director of the FSMP
- Mladen Dimitrov, Professor at Université de Lille
- Victorita Dolean, Professor at TU Eindhoven
- Hélène Esnault, Professor at Freie Universität Berlin
- Kathryn Hess-Bellwald, Professor at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- Guillaume Enchéry, Researcher at IFP Énergies Nouvelles
- Grégory Miermont, Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- Sophie Morel, Director of Research, ENS Lyon
- Béatrice de Tilière, CEREMADE, Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, Director of the FSMP