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The FSMP is structured around a steering committee composed of ten mathematicians among whom the three directors of the Foundation.

It is administered by a board of directors including representatives of its founders and partners as well as scientific personalities from outside its network.

It is based on a scientific board made up of personalities from the academic and industrial world, both French and foreign.

Steering Committee

Board of Directors

Chairman :


Founding member representatives:

Qualified personalities representing the academic world :

Qualified personalities representing the economic world :

Two representatives of the network's professors and researchers:

A representative of the local authorities :

The Government Commissioner in an advisory capacity :

  • Bernard Beignier, Rector of the Académie de Paris (Clément Le Ruyet, representing the Rector of the Paris Academy)

An invited representative of the ITA/IATOS of the network :

Guests :

  • Any person whose opinion is useful may be called by the president to attend, in an advisory capacity, the meetings of the board.


Scientific Board