Network of Excellence
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris is a network of excellence created in December 2006 on the basis of a RTRA project in mathematical sciences, in the form of a Fondation de Coopération Scientifique.

Its founding members are :
- Sorbonne Université (SU),
- Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),
- L'Université Paris Cité,
- Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL) dont l'École Normale Supérieure PSL (ENS), Université Paris Dauphine (P9) et le Collège de France,
- l'Institut National de recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA).
The Foundation is also manager of the European program Cofund MathInParis
and the regional program DIM MathInnov
Founders ans Partners
The Fondation Sciences mathématiques de Paris is a network of excellence gathered around 6 founders :
Scientific Partners
The Foundation is financially supported by several partners committed to its side :
Centre Français des Fonds et des Fondations

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris is a member of the CFF since September of 2007.
The Centre Français des Fonds et Fondations is intended to bring together all endownment funds and foundations.
Its mission is to contribute to the knowledge of the sector, to promote its development and to represent its common interests for the benefit of the general interest.