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FSMP - IHP Program

The purpose of the FSMP-IHP program is to support, in conjunction with LabEx Carmin, stays at the IHP by scientists working in France, as part of the Centre Émile Borel's 12-week thematic programs. The choice of beneficiaries for this program is made jointly by the management of the FSMP and the organizers of the program concerned.
This program has 2 components:
1) Payment by the FSMP of up to 15,000 euros per IHP quarter for the expenses of scientists based in France (excluding the Ile-de-France region). A number of eligibility conditions must be taken into account:
  • only researchers and teacher-researchers with a permanent position in France, post-docs with an employment contract in France and PhD students with a doctoral contract (or CDD) in France are eligible.
  • trimester organizers are not eligible.
  • stays must last at least two weeks, and may be split up, but must not include more than one week out of two of workshops or conferences.
Eligible expenses are reimbursed under the following conditions, based on supporting documents
  • Accommodation: reimbursement per night up to 75,60 euros
  • Meals: 21,10 euros (2 meals per day maximum either 42,20 euros)
  • Transport: Reimbursement of round-trip travel (economy class OR first class if cheaper fare with season ticket).
2) The FSMP will cover the cost of transport, meals and accommodation for doctoral students who are members of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris network, up to a limit of 3,500 euros per "IHP trimester". The Foundation's support is limited to a financial contribution towards accommodation, meals and transport, and cannot be transferred to other types of expenditure.

How to benefit from this program

The list of beneficiaries proposed by the organizers is subject to prior approval by the Foundation. For stays at the IHP, the organizers of the quarter must send the FSMP:
  • A 1-2 page research project related to the program, a CV and a list of publications.

  • A calendar of attendance days.


Organizers must make an appointment with the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris team by contacting Guillaume Chapuy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at least 8 months before the start of the quarter.


Administrative contact

Kevin Ledocq (Tél. : 01 44 27 68 03 ; email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Scientific contact

Guillaume Chapuy (click here for his personal page)