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Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) is a network of excellence that federates the main laboratories of mathematics and fundamental computer science in central and northern Paris.

It is the largest concentration of mathematicians in the world. Its scientific spectrum encompasses all mathematics, from pure mathematics to the most applied, including fundamental computer science.


  • Proposes and funds programs for research and training in mathematics and fundamental computer science
  • Organizes scientific events
  • Works to disseminate mathematics to the media, the general public, the economic and industrial world.
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The LabEx SMP is supported by the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP), which successfully federates all the Parisian laboratories of mathematics and mathematical computer science and the chairs of the Collège de France, around its scientific programs.

The scope of the LabEx SMP is that of the Foundation. It is a network of laboratories, among the best in the world in their discipline, with a unique scientific spectrum, based on a very strong foundation of fundamental and applied mathematics, and mathematical computing.

On the scientific level, the creation of the LabEx is an opportunity, in addition to strengthening existing programs that have proven their worth, to develop programs in directions that have not yet been explored by the Foundation and that correspond both to its missions and to the major challenges facing society that the 2009 Maths A Venir conference highlighted.

The research project has 4 priority areas :

  • the expansion of mathematics programs, justified by the success of past actions. The reorganization of certain programs should make it possible to gain in flexibility and attractiveness: the Chair of Excellence is split into two 6-month chairs to broaden the field of recruitment; the 15 annual post-doctoral positions become 2-year positions and their number will increase; the intervention credits at the origin of targeted actions are increased to better "catch" instantaneous excellence; the support for the IHP (Institut Henri Poincaré) quarters is reviewed in coherence with its request for a LabEx.
  • the development of mathematics interactions initially in 4 new directions: Maths and Life Sciences, Maths and Risk, Maths and Oceanography, Maths and Industry. These programs are based on the creation of 4 post-doctoral positions for 2 years, the creation of intervention credits and the creation of 4 chairs for 6 months.
  • the strengthening of the Foundation in mathematical computing : This reinforcement includes the creation of a 6-month chair, the creation of a Foundation prize in this discipline and the creation of two 2-year post-doctoral positions.
  • the international component, whose actions are directed in priority towards Brazil, China and India, countries in great scientific expansion and clear targets of international competition. These actions allow the establishment of regular exchanges of researchers and students.

The valorization project focuses on two complementary aspects, scientific communication and the creation of an interface between mathematics and other sciences or industry :

  • Scientific communication and the improvement of the image of mathematics in society have always been a priority of the Foundation. From the outset, the Foundation has had a scientific communication service which has grown over time. At present, the communication officer is in regular contact with all the main national newspapers: Le Monde, Le Monde magazine, Le Figaro, France Inter, AFP, Europe 1, RFI, France Culture, La Croix, Blog Sciences de Libération... and international journals, in particular AMS Notices, EMS Newsletter. She publishes a journal " Math-Info " every two months, intended for all the members of the network and all its external correspondents. It is also responsible for the Foundation's website ( and its scientific content. The Foundation is beginning to establish itself as a valid interlocutor for the media when it comes to commenting on mathematical events. The LabEx will continue these actions to make the mathematical sciences better known in society, especially among young people, and to reinforce the visibility of the network in order to attract the best researchers and to encourage more vocations.
  • The creation of an interface cell between mathematics and other scientific disciplines or industry, is an answer to a problem highlighted during the Maths A Venir 2009 conference. It is a question of introducing intermediaries between the researchers of the laboratories and their interlocutors of the other disciplines or industry, which are able to translate the mathematical results in the terms which are appropriate to the applications and in the other direction, to collect original problems to which the mathematicians can bring an added value. The expected results are the increase of the visibility of the scientific activities of the network and thus the increase of the volume of problems treated and solved thanks to the advanced research.

The training project is one of the pillars of the LabEx SMP and is based on the Paris Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences (PGSM) program, initiated by the Foundation for students enrolled in the masters programs of the Foundation's partner universities).

The training of master's students has always been a priority for the Foundation, which has sought to attract the best foreign students at this level with the objective of making them, through their immersion in the network of excellence in the mathematical sciences in Paris, the scientific elites of tomorrow. The PGSM program has already been a great success in terms of the number of applications received, the level and the exemplary mix of the laureates. The PGSM program is expected to grow in three directions: the opening of the program to 10 excellent undergraduate students from the Foundation's partner universities, the extension of the program to the doctoral level and the doubling of the number of foreign students. These extensions are essential to give this program a scope comparable to that of the major international Graduate Schools.

The LabEx SMP takes up the governance model of the Foundation, which has proved its worth by allowing it to successfully federate all the Parisian laboratories in the mathematical sciences, with the addition of a council of components, which has become necessary because of the increase in the number of partner structures, to ensure cohesion.

Lastly, the LabEx SMP, by its scientific and societal ambition, by the excellence of the network on which it relies and by its openness to other sciences, is perfectly in line with the scientific strategy and development policy of the IdEx projects led by its supervisory institutions: Sorbonne Université (SU), Sorbonne Paris Cité (SPC) and Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL).

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Ministry of Higher Education and Research CONTENU MANQUANT SUR L'ANCIEN SITE

Presentation of the LaBex SMP.pdf

Letters of support from the various leaders of IdEx CONTENU MANQUANT SUR L'ANCIEN SITE

Investments for the future

The LabEx are part of the "Investissements d'avenir" program led by the Agence nationale de la Recherche (ANR)).

Investments in the future


The portal of the mathematics LabEx

The LabEx Mathematics of France gathered in order to communicate on their position operations (post-doctoral and master).

A website has been created to make the information accessible :

Publications supported by the LabEx SMP

Any person who has received assistance from the LabEx SMP (Sciences Mathématiques de Paris) is invited to include in its publications an acknowledgement saying for example that :

« Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l’Etat gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme Investissements d’Avenir portant la référence ANR-10-LABX-0098 (LabEx SMP  »

ou :

« This work is supported by a public grant overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” program (reference: ANR-10-LABX-0098, LabEx SMP ) »


Call for applications and fundings

18 March 2024
Calls for tenders and financing
The FSMP is offering Master's students (first and second year) in mathematics and theoretical computer science within the scope of the foundation the chance to finance up to 3 stays at Nesin Maths Village in Turkey, for the summer of 2024. Read more....
23 September 2023
Calls for tenders and financing

The Researchers Invitations program and the Stays for PhD students receive applications receive applications throughout the year.

01 June 2023
Calls for tenders and financing
The FSMP offers to all students enrolled in one of the Master's degrees in mathematics or fundamental computer science within its scope to finance their M2 internship, in France, outside the Île-de-France region. Read more...


16 November 2024
Mathématiques en mouvement
La prochaine édition de Mathématiques en mouvement aura lieu le samedi 16 novembre 2024 de 14h à 19h à l'IHP (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5e). Organisée sous la houlette de Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf (IMJ-PRG, SU) et Jérôme Buzzi (LMO, Univ. Pa...
16 October 2024
Le mercredi 16 octobre, la FSMP organise, avec la FMJH et l’IHES, la Journée francilienne d'accueil des post-doctorant•e•s. Cet événement est ouvert à tous les post-doctorant•e•s en mathématiques d’Île-de-France. Le but, en particulier, est de permet...
20 September 2024

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