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Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) is a network of excellence that federates the main laboratories of mathematics and fundamental computer science in central and northern Paris.

It is the largest concentration of mathematicians in the world. Its scientific spectrum encompasses all mathematics, from pure mathematics to the most applied, including fundamental computer science.


  • Proposes and funds programs for research and training in mathematics and fundamental computer science
  • Organizes scientific events
  • Works to disseminate mathematics to the media, the general public, the economic and industrial world.
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Soft skills development

FSMP is committed to enabling the students and postdoctoral fellows of its programs to develop their soft skills (non-research oriented and transferable skills). It consists in actions to prepare fellows to interact beyond their field and immediate research environment by being open to other scientific disciplines, sensitive to non-academic issues, and involved in actions with the general public.

They can be of two types:

  • Learning-by-doing project focusing on one of the following topics: mathematics and society, mathematics for development, innovative methods for mathematical communication.
  • Attending seminars or courses on topics related to the practice of Open Science, to gender issues, or to ethics, and participation in workshops preparing for professional integration and career development.

These trainings are also complimentary to the training provided by Institutes of Doctoral Training.

Professional Insertion

Forum Emploi Maths takes place every Fall in Paris. Its teams do a tremendous job to encourage banks, insurance companies and all companies that use mathematics to recruit doctors in mathematics, by showing them the competences they have acquired during their years of research. Every year, Forum Emploi Maths is expanding and more and more companies are aware of the interest of the recruitment at this level. This event is the perfect place to get employment opportunities.

Soft Skills days

As part of its COFUND programs, the FSMP organizes an annual day dedicated to soft skills. During this day, interactive workshops are organized on cross-cutting themes such as gender awareness, environmental impact and ethics in the workplace. Work sessions are also organized to develop writing and oral presentation skills.

Professional integration training days

Every year, the FSMP organizes the "Journées de formation à l'insertion professionnelle" (with the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)). The aim of these professional integration training days is to prepare our graduates to seize the many opportunities that present themselves in companies, banks, and so on. The format is normally 3 types of sessions in small groups: defining your career path, promoting your skills to employers, preparing for an international career. Simulated job interviews are also offered.

Career Days

Every year, the FSMP organizes the "Journées de formation à l'insertion professionnelle" with the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG). The aim of these days is to prepare our graduates to better apprehend professional opportunities and to learn how to find a job in the private sector. These days alternate between group work sessions on themes such as defining one's career path, promoting one's skills to employers, and preparing for an international career. Meetings with professionals and mock job interviews are also on offer.

Forum Emploi Maths 

The Forum Emploi Maths takes place every autumn in Paris. The aim of the event is to bring companies together with students and recent graduates, as well as with lecturers and researchers responsible for university training programs, through a variety of forums and discussion sessions. This forum is a real opportunity to develop your professional network and optimize your chances of finding an internship or a job.

PhD Talent Career Fair 

The PhDTalent Career Fair is held every year in October in Paris. It brings together several thousand PhDs and doctoral students wishing to pursue their careers in the private sector, as well as around a hundred companies (start-ups, SMEs, major groups, etc.). The PhDTalent Career Fair is the world's largest forum dedicated to recruiting PhDs and is an opportunity to develop your professional network and optimise your chances of finding a job.


Intersectoral and interdisciplinary training

Horizon Maths 

Every year, the FSMP organises the Horizon Maths interdisciplinary conference, which brings together mathematicians from the academic world and the economic and industrial sector, or mathematicians and specialists from another scientific discipline. The speakers engage in cross-fertilisation in their fields to create lasting relationships.

Mathématiques en movement 

Every year, the FSMP organises Mathématiques en Mouvement, a mathematics conference for undergraduate and postgraduate students, where speakers give short, accessible presentations on a theme defined for each edition.

Challenge Data 

The winners can take part in the Challenge Data, a machine learning competition for Masters and PhD students. The projects are proposed and designed by start-ups and companies, which provide the participants with real data, the aim being to confront the students with real data processing tasks.

Maths-Business study weeks 

The MathInParis Cofund, a partner of AMIES, is organising the Maths-Business Study Weeks. Over the course of a five-day workshop, mathematicians and industrialists come together to work side by side to solve the real and important problems facing businesses today. The principle is as follows: industrial partners (usually 4 per SEME) come to present open problems, on which small groups (usually 10 per group) of junior and experienced researchers work together, possibly assisted by senior researchers, and then present their solutions/suggestions for solving them.

PGMO Days 

PGMO Days is a two-day conference for the international community of optimisation researchers. The Gaspard Monge Programme for Optimisation (PGMO) is an FMJH programme open to sponsorship.


General public activities

Mathematics for development
Fellows can participate in popularization of science for society by taking part of science weeks such as the "Fête de la Science" organized each year by research laboratories in Fall. During that week FSMP co-organizes in particular the speed-meeting "Racconte moi ta thèse": the idea is to have the occasion of sharing passion for research in an original, personal and accessible way to the general public.

Each year in Spring the FSMP is involved in the organization of the "Salon Culture & Jeux Mathématiques", an event which aims at promoting mathematics to the general public. Fellows have the opportunity to attend this fair, but can also be active, organizing mathematical games, running a stand and answering various questions concerning mathematical research.

Mathematics for development with CIMPA 

The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), founded in France in 1978, is a non-profit organisation that promotes mathematical research in developing countries. Winners can take part in :

CIMPA Schools: This is CIMPA's historical activity, focusing on areas where there is a real desire to develop mathematics and where it is possible to carry out a research project. Calls for proposals are issued every year to organise around twenty CIMPA schools.

CIMPA courses: This programme provides funding for the organisation of mathematics courses at Masters and research level in the geographical areas where CIMPA is active (Africa, Central and South America, Asia). Each year, two calls for proposals are launched with deadlines in early January and early July.

CIMPA fellowships: CIMPA funds the participation of young mathematicians from developing countries in short-term thematic international programmes organised by some of our partner institutions. A call for applications is launched for each programme.

France Terre d'asile

France terre d'asile is a French solidarity association whose main aim is to support asylum seekers and defend the right to asylum in France. If you are interested in teaching basic maths to young people (aged between 14 and 18) and would like to get involved in a meaningful solidarity activity, please contact us for more information.


The aim of the Association is to promote the introduction, operation, development, networking, enhancement and institutional recognition of mathematical activities in schools, colleges, lycées and university-level establishments. Animath's work relies heavily on volunteers to organise events and, above all, to supervise scientific projects. Whether they are teachers, researchers, engineers or students, former beneficiaries of the association's activities or not, the association's many volunteers are united by their desire to share their passion with a wide audience.

Every french middle school student (14 years old, 9th grade) must do a one-week internship in a professional environment. Every year, the FSMP laboratoris host 10 to 20 such students who are interested in mathematics. By being a member of the host team, this would be a unique occasion for fellows to question their motivation, passion, the skills needed to become a mathematician, and to transmit to young people the current challenges of mathematics.


Call for applications and fundings

04 November 2024
Calls for tenders and financing
Paris Graduate School for Mathematical Sciences (PGSM), the master scholarships program of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, is opening it international call for applications from Monday November 4th 2024 to Thursday February 6th 2025 (d...
23 September 2023
Calls for tenders and financing

The Researchers Invitations program and the Stays for PhD students receive applications receive applications throughout the year.

01 June 2023
Calls for tenders and financing
The FSMP offers to all students enrolled in one of the Master's degrees in mathematics or fundamental computer science within its scope to finance their M2 internship, in France, outside the Île-de-France region. Read more...


05 March 2025
Cours FSMP
Rupert Frank (Ludwig Maximilians Universität München), laureate of the FSMP Chair ofexcellence in 2024, will give in the frame of his chair a course entitled Lieb–Thirring inequalities.The lectures will take place on Wednesdays of March-April 2025 fr...
16 November 2024
Mathématiques en mouvement
La prochaine édition de Mathématiques en mouvement aura lieu le samedi 16 novembre 2024 de 14h à 19h à l'IHP (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5e). Organisée sous la houlette de Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf (IMJ-PRG, SU) et Jérôme Buzzi (LMO, Univ. Pa...
04 November 2024
Calls for tenders and financing
Paris Graduate School for Mathematical Sciences (PGSM), the master scholarships program of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, is opening it international call for applications from Monday November 4th 2024 to Thursday February 6th 2025 (d...
