
Thank you to our donors!
Your donations have allowed the Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris to raise more than 55 000 € for the year 2024.
To track the use of your donations, you can consult our activity reports, available here.
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) is a network of excellence that federates the main laboratories of mathematics and fundamental computer science in central and northern Paris.
It is the largest concentration of mathematicians in the world. Its scientific spectrum encompasses all mathematics, from pure mathematics to the most applied, including fundamental computer science.
Your donations have allowed the Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris to raise more than 55 000 € for the year 2024.
To track the use of your donations, you can consult our activity reports, available here.
Thanks to your donations, you offer the Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris and its members the means to act, day after day, to train the mathematicians of tomorrow and to bring mathematical research to its highest level.
The FSMP also manage support to OpenSource program FreeFEM++, Kevin Henriot prize and Vasil A. Popov prize.
Click here to support FreeFEM++.
Click here to support the Kevin Henriot prize.
Click here to support the Popov prize.
The Researchers Invitations program and the Stays for PhD students receive applications receive applications throughout the year.
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