The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers 10 post-doctoral positions in mathematics and fundamental computer science. These one- or two-year positions are available from October 2025 in research laboratories affiliated to the Foundation.Eligibility criteria
Positions are open to holders of a doctorate in mathematics or theoretical computer science. Laureates of this program must have defended their PhD thesis before the beginning of the post-doctoral contract. Those who defended their PhD thesis in one of the affiliated laboratories cannot apply.
The program is open to all disciplines of mathematics and theoretical computer science. The criteria for selection are scientific excellence and quality of the scientific project.
Each post-doctoral fellow will sign a "Contrat de travail", will receive a net salary of € 2,650.00 per month (before deduction of the income tax) and will benefit from health and welfare insurance. Fellows will contribute to the scientific activities of their laboratory, particularly with regard to seminars and working groups.
How to apply
The call for applications for academic year 2025-2026 is open from October 1st to November 29th, 2024.
Applications only via online form.
Documents to be uploaded on the FSMP web site
- a curriculum vitae,
- a cover letter,
- a list of publications,
- a description of your scientific project (max 6 pages long),
- a letter of recommendation from your PhD advisor,
- a detailed letter of recommendation from a potential tutor member of a laboratory in the FSMP network. This letter will in particular justify how the scientific project is in line with the potential host's project,(*)
- one or two letters of recommendation from researchers not belonging to a FSMP laboratory. These letters will be uploaded online directly by the scientists.
(*)It is mandatory for each applicant to have a tutor/supervisor in his/her host laboratory. This tutor will have to write a letter of recommendation. Furthermore, we strongly advise applicants to contact the head of the host laboratory to define a post-doctoral project in agreement with the team's/laboratory's themes.
Once candidates have submitted application for the first time they will receive a confirmation email with a password. This password enables candidates to reconnect and modify their application until the end of the call. In this email, it will be also provided a link to be sent to the scientists that write a recommendation letter, to upload their letter online.
For any question, please write to
Find here the answers to the questions most frequestly asked by the candidates.
Selection process
The selection will be made by a jury made up of the Steering Committee of the Foundation's Scientific Advisory Board, supplemented by a group of outside experts.
The selection is based on the scientific excellence of the candidate, more precisely the selection criteria are:
- The quality of the academic background, of the scientific results, of the PhD thesis.
- The quality of the scientific project as well as its feasability
- The match between the candidate and the carer, and integration into the network
Scientific evaluation grid
Scale (50 - 30 - 20).
The final mark is out of 6.
Open, Transparent, and Merit-based Recruitment policy (OTM-R policy)
The FSMP has endorsed the European Union recommendations and principles for Human Resources practices, aiming at better working conditions for researchers, and better openness and transparency in the process of their recruitment.
Click here to find FSMP's OTM-R policy.
Redress procedure
All candidates have a right to a redress procedure if they feel that there has been a shortcoming in the way their proposal was evaluated, or if they believe that the results of the eligibility checks are incorrect. Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be rejected. The redress requests must be addressed to:

Other post-doc positions offered in the FSMP network
You can find other postdoctoral offers on the following webpage:
Voir toutes les offresPrevious laureates

Les lauréats du concours post-doctoral 2024 sont :
Statistiques :
166 candidatures : 35 femmes et 131 hommes
15 candidat(e)s sélectionné(e)s dont 3 femmes
4 candidatures sélectionnées
Les lauréats du concours post-doctoral 2023 sont :
Alice CONTAT (LAGA, probabilités)
Vincent BAGAYOKO (IMJ-PRG, logique)
Dylan LANGHARST (IMJ-PRG, Analyse fonctionnelle)
Erik LINDELL (IMJ-PRG, Topologie algébrique), poste financé par l'IMG-PRG
Les lauréats du programme postdoctoral MathInGreaterParis sont également à retrouver sur
Les lauréats du programme postdotoral de la FSMP pour 2022 sont :
Dustin Connery-Grigg (IMJ-PRG)
Mónika Csikós (IRIF )
Léonard Dekens (MAP5)
Guillaume Dubach (DMA)
Animesh Jana (CEREMADE)
Arnaud Maret ( IMJ-PRG)
Les lauréats du programme postdoctoral MathInGreaterParis accueillis dans le périmètre des laboratoires de la FSMP sont :
Gabriel Angelini-Knoll (LAGA)
Christoph Egger (IRIF)
Lianna Hambardzumyan (IRIF)
Laura Kantzler (CEREMADE)
Konstantinos Kartas (IMJ-PRG)
Daniel Kriz (IMJ-PRG)
Georg Maierhofer (LJLL)
Renato Velozo Ruiz (LJLL)
Francis White (LAGA)
Les lauréats du programme postdoctoral MathInGreaterParis sont également à retrouver sur
Statistiques du concours 2021-2022
120 candidatures
- dont 22 femmes
- dont 100 étranger.e.s
Liste des lauréats du concours 2021
- Simon Allais , (IMJ-PRG)
- Mattew Colbrook , (DMA)
- Ruxi Shi,(LPSM)
- Anna Van de Wyngaerd, (IRIF)
Félicitations à nos lauréats 2021 recrutés sur des postes permanents
- Kevin Le Balch, (Chercheur Inria, recruté dans l'équipe Cage, LJLL)
- Liat Peterfreund, (CR CNRS, recrutée au LIGM, Paris-Est Créteil)
- Joost Nuiten, (Maitre de Conférences, recruté à l'IMAG, université de Toulouse)
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
- ESTRADA RODRIGUEZ Gissel, LJLL et Inria, 1 an
- HADDADAN Shahrzad, IRIF, 1 an
- NING Bo, LPSM, 1 an
- PETERFREUND Liat, DI‑ENS et Inria, 1 an
- TONELLI CUETO Josué, IMJ‑PRG et Inria, 2 ans
- VAES Urbain, Inria, 1 an
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
- DOUTEAU Sylvain, IRIF, 1 an
- GROSSI Giada, LAGA, 2 ans
- HAMILTON Eloïse Evelyn, IMJ‑PRG, 1 an
- KOSANOVIC Danica, LAGA, 2 ans
- YE Jinhe, IMJ‑PRG, 2 ans
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
- BIANCHINI Roberta, LJLL, 1 an
- HADZIHASANOVIC Amar, IRIF et Inria, 1 an
- PASSEGGERI Riccardo, LPSM, 1 an
- SEEGER Benjamin, CEREMADE et Collège de France, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
- SOVRANO Elisa, CAMS, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
- CADOREL Benoit, Collège de France, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
- CAO Peigen, IMJ‑PRG, 1 an
- ESKENAZIS Alexandros, IMJ‑PRG, 1 an
- HABERMANN Karen, LJLL et Inria, 1 an
- KOENIG Armand, CEREMADE, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
- MICHELAT Alexis, IMJ‑PRG, 1 an
- RAMSEY Samuel, DMA, 1 an FSMP‑PSL Fellow
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
- BONGINI Mattia, DMA, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
- EVANS Joséphine, CEREMADE, 2 ans
- FORNI Paolo, CAS et Inria, 1 an (renouvellement)
- PALLADINO Michele, CEREMADE, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
- PAZ Ami, IRIF, 1 an (renouvellement)
- RAMASSAMY Sanjay, DMA, 2 ans FSMP‑PSL Fellow
- ROSSI Maurizia, MAP5, 1 an (renouvellement)
- ZETZSCHE Georg, IRIF, 1 an (renouvellement)
- ZUNIGA Andres, CEREMADE, 1 an
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
- BARKER Tobias, DMA, 2 ans
- CAMPOS Ricardo, LAGA, 1 an
- DURYEV Eduard, IMJ, 2 ans
- MACBETH Heather, DMA, 1 an
- PASQUINELLI Irene, IMJ, 2 ans
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
COSSE Augustin (FSMP‑PSL Fellow)
De nationalité belge, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université catholique de Louvain.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l'ENS
Résumé :The project will study how recent recovery guarantees that have been obtained for bilinear inverse problems through convex relaxations and low rank methods can be extended to more general polynomial optimization problems (POP) by means of semidefinite programming hierarchies, and new schemes for the construction of optimality certificates. Possible applications include advanced calibration problems where the structure of the system matrix induces interactions between the inputs, or nonlinear system identification problems such as those that are used in machine learning. Additional applications also include spike sorting in the neurosciences, seismic imaging, and optimal transport. The project will study the relation between the graph structure underlying the constraints in those problems and the construction of the dual polynomial used to guarantee the recovery of the unknowns.
HERDA Maxime
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Lyon 1.
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions
Résumé :Le but de ce projet est le développement, l'analyse et l'implémentation de méthodes d'interpolation d'ordre élevé préservant des contraintes de bornes, ainsi que l'application de ces méthodes pour la simulation numériques de phénomènes de transport avec des équations cinétiques. La motivation de ce projet et son but est la simulation précise de modèles issus d'applications en physique des plasmas (Vlasov‑Poisson), biologie et écologie (agrégation de cellules, essaim d'insectes, nuée d'oiseaux...) et de l'industrie (propagation d'incertitudes).
IURLANO Flaviana (renouvellement, SU‑FSMP Fellow)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse au SISSA en Italie.
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions
Résumé :The present project focuses on the study of a problem in rigid‑plasticity by using hyperbolic techniques typical of micromagnetics, and on the investigation of important mathematical tools in the framework of functions with bounded deformation (BD) with applications to fracture mechanics.
De nationalité israëlienne, a soutenu sa thèse au Technion en Israël.
Accueil : Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale
Résumé :I study distributed graph algorithms. A large computer system is modeled by its communication graph, in which the nodes are processors that communicate along the edges of the graph. My research focuses on distributed algorithms through which the system can compute parameters of its communication graph as quickly and efficiently as possible.
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université du Luxembourg.
Accueil : Inria
Résumé :Le but de ce projet est d'étudier la faisabilité de l'introduction d'une porte dérobée dans un chiffrement par bloc, en particulier par le biais d'un composant non‑linéaire appelé boîte‑S. À travers ce projet, j'espère à la fois estimer précisément le danger posé par de telles portes dérobées et mieux comprendre comment les détecter et les éviter.
ROSSI Maurizia
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Rome Tor Vergata.
Accueil : Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5
Résumé :The main goal of my project is to investigate Gaussian fields on compact Riemannian manifolds, in particular the geometry of their excursion sets, mainly using chaotic decomposition and Stein‑Malliavin methods.
SALEM Samir (2 ans - FSMP‑PSL fellow)
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université d'Aix‑Marseille.
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision
Résumé :My research interests focus on the analysis of nonlinear PDEs. In particular, my current research interests lie on the rigorous derivation of transport type equations (aggregation, Vlsasov‑type equation) from particle system. I am also interested in particle dynamics in presence of noises, which makes me highly interested in Stochastic Differential Equations, Fokker‑Plank like models and their relation to probability theory.
TORRI Niccolo
De nationalité Italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Lyon 1.
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilité et Modèle Aléatoire
Résumé :My scientific program (which should cover all my permanence) is organized in 4 independent projects. The first project is in collaboration with Thomas Duquesne and the focus is on random trees. The second project is a joint work with Quentin Berger, in which we study the random polymer in random environment. The last two projects are individual works, always focused on random polymers.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Kaiserlautern.
Accueil : Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale
Résumé :I would like to continue my research on finite‑state abstractions of infinite‑state models to facilitate verification of complex systems. Specifically, I plan to study abstractions defined by embedding relations. Since computability and decidability issues in the case of finite words have largely been settled, I will focus on issues of complexity and generalizations to finite trees.
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
DI NEZZA Eleonora (2 ans, IHES‑FSMP Fellow)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Rome Tor Vergata.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :My research project is divided into two parts. I am currently interested in some open questions in Kähler geometry : the study of the space of Kähler metrics on singular varieties and the inspection of positivity properties of the canonical bundle using a Kähler‑Ricci flow approach. A much wider subject I would like to work on is the construction of complex non‑Kähler manifolds. This is a long term project but developments in this area will be of interest also in theoretical physics.
HENNION Benjamin
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Montpellier.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The project revolves around homotopical version of vertex algebras, and their link to conformal field theories. Although those vertex algebras come from an algebro‑geometric background, the tools used will mostly come from derived algebraic geometry, homotopy theory and K‑theoretic constructions. Matthew Morrow, whose interests lie in between algebraic and rigid geometry, and K‑theory is a perfect fit to supervise this project.
De nationalité japonaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Tokyo.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The field of my research is algebraic geometry with vista on arithmetic geometry. I have a specific interest in algebraic cycles and motives. I have been studying the higher Chow group “with modulus,” a generalisation of Bloch’s higher Chow group, which is a universal cohomology of central importance in algebraic geometry. Recent studies by researchers including Professor Bruno Kahn developed the theory of “motives with modulus,” which generalises the present theory of motives. It is expected to have close relationships with the higher Chow group with modulus. I will study fundamental properties of the higher Chow group with modulus and its relationships with motives with modulus.
NARDIN Denis (2 ans)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse au Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Accueil : Laboratoire d'Analyse Géométrie et Applications.
Résumé :I will be working on applications of equivariant homotopy theory and higher category theory to algebraic K‑theory and geometric problems.
VIGNIATI Alessandro
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à la York University de Toronto.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The project aims to build new connections between set theory and operator algebras. These connection pass through the solutions of conjectures of Coskey and Farah, and the development of new versions of such conjectures, relating with the application of set theory to the rigidity of continuous structures.
WYSS Dimitry
De nationalité suisse, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The goal is to use p‑adic and motivic integration in the study of of moduli space of quivers, Higgsbundles and other spaces appearing in non‑abelian Hodge theory. More precise goals are the topological mirror symmetry conjecture and a motivic Duistermmat‑Heckman theorem.
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
BOGOSEL Beniamin
De nationalité roumaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université Savoie du Mont Blanc.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure
Résumé :We plan to investigate partitions of some planar domains which minimize the largest Dirichlet‑Laplacian eigenvalue. There are just a few cases known theoretically and we believe that a numerical study may allow us to find good candidates for these optimal partition. During my phd thesis I used an algorithm for minimizing the sum of the eigenvalues. The plan is to modify this algorithm in order to be able to optimize the maximal eigenvalue. The difficulty is that the functional to minimize is not smooth. We plan to use some relaxation techniques to go around this difficulty.
DION Charlotte
De nationalité fraçaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble.
Accueil : Laboratoire Statistique, Analyse, Modélisation Multidisciplinaire
Résumé :Le sujet du post‑doctorat porte sur la détection de ruptures pour des modèles linéaires. L'originalité du projet réside en la nouvelle pénalisation proposée, dépendant des données. La consistence du nouveau critère sera prouvé et un algorithme illustrant la technique sera proposé.
De nationalité libanaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Durham.
Accueil : Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale
Résumé :The union‑closed sets conjecture by Frankl asserts that, given a family of sets closed under taking unions, there exists an element that appears in at least half of the sets of the family. Recently Bruhn, Charbit, Schaudt and Telle formulated the conjecture in terms of a problem of graphs and obtain several interesting results (2012). Subsequently Bruhn and Schaudt considered a weakening of this graph analogue from a probabilistic perspective (2013) and their result was soon strengthened by Balister and Bollobas (2013). The project will consist in extending the above‑mentioned work ; considering both the full version and its probabilistic relaxation.
GOWER Robert (2 ans)
De nationalité britannique, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université d'Edimbourgh.
Accueil : Equipe projet Inria - Département d'Informatique de l'ENS
Résumé :The recent surge of available data has enabled the automatic detection of patterns through machine learning. The every increasing dimensions of data and new applications from machine learning has brought new challenges to the design of numerical algorithms and the mathematics that underpins these algorithms. This postdoctral program sets out to design new stochastic optimization methods that can solve large scale convex optimization problems from machine learning, but also, do so with provenly fast convergence rates. As such, this program lies on the frontier between mathematics and computer science, on the one hand providing a rigorous analysis so as to establish a firm bases on which theory and practice can advance, but also, provide high‑performance software freely available on google code.
IURLANO Flaviana
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à la Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati de Trieste.
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions
Résumé :The first aim of the project is to obtain an integral representation and a relaxation result in the space BD. These two essential tools will next be applied to prove the convergence of damage to cohesive fracture in linearized elasticity and to construct quasistatic evolutions of brittle fracture.
De nationalité polonnaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Varsovie.
Accueil : Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale
Résumé :The project concerns specification and automatic verification of systems allowing nondeterministic behaviours. We plan to study games and automata over infinite trees with alternative winning/acceptance conditions. The semantics we want to consider are based on probability, cardinality and topology.
DI MARINO Simone (FSMP‑PSL Fellow)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'ENS de Pise.
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision/ Inria
Résumé :Je veux étudier le transport optimal multimarginal (notamment pour applications à la DFT) et des équations d'évolution avec contraint de densité (crowd motion et tumor growth modèles).
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
DELCROIX Thibaut (2 ans, FSMP‑PSL Fellow)
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université Grenoble Alpes.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure
Résumé :Mon projet de recherche est d'une part d'étudier le lien entre la condition d'existence de métriques de Kähler‑Einstein obtenue dans ma thèse et la K‑stabilité, et d'autre part d'utiliser les techniques développées dans ma thèse dans des cadres différents pour obtenir d'autres exemples de métriques canoniques sur des variétés avec beaucoup de symétries.
JANJIGIAN Christopher
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université du Wisconsin‑Madison.
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires
Résumé :Free energy large deviations in directed polymer models
MOSS Gilbert
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université du Texan à Austin.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :There is considerable interest in extending classical representation theory of p‑adic groups to more general coefficient rings. David Helm and I have recently shown that the local Langlands correspondence for GL(n) interpolates over families of representations. The focus of the postdoc will be extending these questions, especially gamma factors and the integral Bernstein center, to reductive p‑adic groups beyond GL(n).
De nationalité vietnamienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Tours.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :I would like to study the following problems : construct solutions to the vacuum Einstein constraint equations with freely specified mean curvature on compact manifolds, the study of the Einstein constraints on hyperboloidal slices, the study of the constraint equations for modified gravity theory which is a generalization of Einstein equations, study of the relation between the PMT and the concept of surgery.
De nationalité argentine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université Claude Bernard de Lyon.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :- Study the unitary representations of Polish Roelcke precompact groups, seeking to generalize the well‑known classification theorems for oligomorphic groups and for compact groups. Use the recent model‑theoretic understanding of these groups.
- Study local NIP phenomena within IP theories motivated by some questions about Rosenthal‑representations of Polish groups. More precisely, study the definability of sets whose family of translates have finite VC dimension.
YU Guowei
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université du Minnesota‑Twin Cities.
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision
Résumé :The main project is to study the classical Newtonian n‑body problem using the variational approach. We hope to find collision‑free (quasi)‑periodic solutions under various symmetric and topological constraints. As a result, we would like to establish the global existence of families of solutions connecting the rotating n‑gon's and the linear chains and study the continuity of these families with respect to certain parameter. Meanwhile we also plan to study the existence of diffusion orbits in concrete models, like the n‑body problem.
De nationalité russe, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Saint Petersbourg.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques de l'ENS
Résumé :The first part of my project focuses on various properties of special metric invariants of dynamical systems called scaling entropy sequences. Such sequences, first studied by A. Vershik, characterize epsilon‑entropy asymptotics of averages of metrics with respect to the group action. The second part of the project is about proving sharp inequalities in harmonic analysis using the Bellman function method. I would like to adapt the method to higher‑dimensional settings, as well as to problems involving smoothness
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
De nationalité irlandaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université d'Oxford.
Accueil : Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes
Résumé :We build on our recent work on unified structural treatments of non‑locality and contextuality, key features that distinguish quantum from classical physics. Connections can be found with diverse topics (databases, classical complexity theory, semantics of natural language, and dependence logic).
The main objectives are :
- to develop a deeper, semantic approach to these key non‑classical features, underpinned by robust and elegant mathematics ;
- to use this to take a new approach to the axiomatisation and characterisation of quantum theory ;
- to explore and widen the connections to mainstream computer science with a focus on the transfer of methods and insights between the fields.
NEMOTO Takahiro
De nationalité japonaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Kyoto.
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires
Résumé :To understand the features of glass transition, a class of models, called kinetically constrained models, has been proposed. Vivien Lecomte, who is the principal investigator of this research project, and his collaborators found a non‑ analytic point in a large deviation function defined in this model, which is believed to be related to the nature of its glassy behavior. Still there are very few rigorous results that prove these properties. We will approach to this problem by using the technique "method of auxiliary dynamics" that has gathered attention in the field of non‑equilibrium physics community recently, and that is amenable to mathematical treatments.
PARSA Salman
De nationalité iranienne, a soutenu sa thèse à Duke University.
Accueil : Département Informatique de l'ENS
Résumé :My research is in the area of computational topology. It involves a mixture of algorithm design and data structure techniques and basic concepts from algebraic topology. I study various algorithmic problems in the area. Most specifically, I study Reeb graphs of simplicial complexes and various algorithmic problems related to their construction. In addition, I am interested in efficiency of computing homology groups in special cases, such as embedded complexes in euclidean spaces. In a most abstract level, I also consider various problems related to simplicial complexes which are realized in 4‑dimensional space.
POON Clarice
De nationalité britannique, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Cambridge.
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision
Résumé :Recent advances have lead to the development of techniques which can recover high resolution signals from far fewer samples than traditionally thought possible. However, the theory behind these techniques for many practical applications (such as medical imaging and image compression) is still far from complete and this is an issue which I will address. With my host, Gabriel Peyre, I intend to develop a theoretical understanding of the geometrical properties which can be recovered.
RUBINO Samuele
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Séville.
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions
Résumé :The main objective of this project is to build numerical models for the computation of the energetic efficiency of buildings, based upon the accurate parameterization of the thermal exchange between the air and the building through ROM (Reduced Order Models), combined with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) tools. It is a highly challenging subject as usual procedures for the computation of the heat exchange are un‑useful due to the huge amount of degrees of freedom required and the large number of parameters involved. The final application of this research is the elaboration of computer‑aided programs for the eco‑efficient design of buildings.
ZILIOTTO Bruno (2 ans)
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Toulouse.
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision
Résumé :Le projet vise à déterminer l'existence de paiements d'équilibre de long terme dans différents modèles de jeux stochastiques en temps continu (modèle de Neyman, modèle de Cardaliaguet et al., modèle de jeu stochastique différentiel), et à comparer ceux‑ci aux modèles en temps discret. Après avoir identifié les spécificités de chaque modèle, des techniques universelles de preuve d'existence de paiements d'équilibre de long terme pourraient ainsi être dégagées.
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
HARPAZ Yonatan (reconduction)
De nationalité israëlienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Jérusalem.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications
Résumé :My research plan consists of studying and analyzing the descent‑fibration method, a combination of the fibration method with a sophisticated form of descent. This method, which was pioneered by Swinnerton‑Dyer in 94', is one of the most powerful methods for showing the existence of rational points on algebraic varieties. I wish to understand the minimal set of assumptions needed for the successful application of this method and to be able to use it in greater generality.
De nationalité française, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Zürich.
Accueil :Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires
Résumé :Le projet de recherche comporte trois parties distinctes, portant toutes sur les arbres aléatoires. La première partie concerne les propriétés géométriques des arbres de Lévy, exemples d'espaces métriques compacts aléatoires, et la question d'une part de l'existence d'une mesure de Hausdorff exacte pour une certaine sous‑classe de tels arbres ; d'autre part, l'étude de la masse des boules exceptionnellement grandes dans un arbre stable. La deuxième partie concerne les arbres construits par attachement préférentiel affine et l'étude des propriétés géométriques des sites ayant un grand degré. Cette étude passe par "l'arbre à boucles" associé à l'arbre initial, et la convergence de cet objet vers une limite qui reste à définir. Enfin la dernière partie porte sur les processus de fragmentation gelée : un objet d'une certaine masse se scinde en plusieurs parties de plus petites masses qui, à leur tour, soit sont gelées et restent ainsi, soit se scindent encore, et ainsi de suite.
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Università degli Studi de Milan.
Accueil : Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications
Résumé :This project fits into the research field concerning the study of rigidity and classification results for singularity models for Hamilton's Ricci flow. The first part of the project is devoted to obtain sufficiently general geometric conditions under which shrinking Ricci solitons support a gradient Ricci soliton structure. Secondly, a more ambitious goal will be the classification of locally conformally flat expanding gradient Ricci solitons.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Cambridge.
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions
Résumé :My research is focused on mathematical general relativity. It is now a very active area in pure mathematics which has its origin in physics in the relativistic theory of gravitation put forward by Einstein 100 years ago. Since then it has established itself as a subject of great interest in geometric partial differential equations, in particular non‑linear hyperbolic p.d.e.'s with deep roots in classical differential geometry. It is a subject in mathematics that has been guided by profound conjectures in physics and has produced many exciting results that have advanced our understanding of gravity, and non‑linear p.d.e.'s in general. I am currently pursuing two directions in the study of the Einstein equations of general relativity. The first is a stability problem for black hole spacetimes in the cosmological setting, which I describe below, and the second is a uniqueness problem for stationary spacetimes in the context of isolated self‑gravitating systems (...)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Zurich.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :Étude des catégories de motifs des variétés analytiques rigides, avec applications en géométrie arithmétique. Utilisation des techniques de basculement à la Fontaine‑Scholze pour transférer des résultats cohomologiques de la caractéristique mixte vers la caractéristique positive ou vice‑versa. Entre eux, l'indépendance de ℓ pour la cohomologie ℓ‑adique, la conjecture de monodromie‑poids, le développement des foncteurs de réalisation et des six opérations.
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
HUDSON Thomas (2 ans)
De nationalité britannique, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université d'Oxford.
Page personnelle : Profil
Accueil : Équipe projet de l'Inria
Résumé :This project concerns the rigorous derivation of models for the temperature‑driven motion of dislocations via a thermodynamic limit. Dislocations are a kind of topological defect found in crystalline solids, and their motion plays a crucial role in the constitutive behaviour of such materials. The project aims to develop new mathematical tools for coarse‑graining models in out‑of‑equilibrium contexts.
KANADE Varun (2 ans)
De nationalité indienne, a soutenu sa thèse à Harvard.
Page personnelle : Profil
Accueil : Département d'informatique de l'ENS
Résumé :Understanding the complexity of learning under weak assumptions on data distributions. One direction is the setting of smoothed analysis, which asserts that there is inherent randomness in the underlying data. The other direction is to consider distributions generated by Markov Random Fields (MRFs). In addition, I would like to study connections between biological evolution and computational learning. I also have interests in stochastic models and randomized algorithms.
De nationalité espagnole, a soutenu sa thèse à Universidad de Valladolid.
Page personnelle : Profil
Accueil : Équipe projet de l'Inria
Résumé :The security of the most popular number‑theory public key crypto systems will be devastatingly affected by the success of a large quantum computer. Code‑based cryptography is one of the promising alternatives that are believed to resist classical and quantum computer attacks. The main aim of this research project is to build trust on this alternative and to achieve similar levels of performance of the current schemes in such a way that the success of the physicist will not bring an end to secure communication.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université d'Heidelberg. Actuellement en contrat post‑doctoral au CEREMADE (Université Paris‑Dauphine).
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Accueil : CEREMADE
Résumé :Theoretical study of the mathematical relation between optimal transport and shape manifolds and the development of powerful corresponding numerical algorithms for applications.
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
De nationalité canadienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Montréal.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :Le projet consiste en une étude de la distribution des nombres premiers dans les progressions arithmétiques, en lien avec les résultats récents de Goldston‑Pintz‑Yildirm, Zhang et Maynard‑Tao. Notre but est d'étudier des quantités telles que la variance de cette dernière distribution, dans certains intervalles où le grand crible de donne pas d'information. Nous étudierons aussi un compte de points sur des réductions d'une courbe elliptique fixée sur un corps de fonction, et tenterons d'étudier le lien entre le bias de ce compte et les zéros des fonctions‑L associées. Nous explorerons l'effet des résultats d'Ulmer concernant une famille de courbes elliptiques de rang très élevé, ainsi que des résultats de Kowalski et de Jouve qui impliquent l'indépendance linéaire des zéros de certaines fonctions‑L.
HARPAZ Yonatan
De nationalité israélienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l'ENS
Résumé :It concerns the study of rational points and 0‑cycles of degree 1 on fibred varieties. I plan to collaborate mostly with Olivier Wittenberg and Alexei Skorobogatov to generalize our current results in this area and advance in new directions. Furthermore, I aim to study new applications of Swinnerton‑Dyer's descent‑fibration method, extending current work in progress which has already produced results on new cases whose arithmetic was considered largely unknown.
HURTADO Sebastian
De nationalité colombienne, a soutenu sa thèse à Berkeley.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The main goal of this project is to get a better understanding of the group theoretical properties of diffeomorphism groups of manifolds and the structure of their subgroups, focusing particularly on the case where the dimension of the manifold is two.
KAN Moon‑Jin
De nationalité coréenne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Séoul.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l'ENS
Résumé :My main research plans are related to those equations and can be summarized as follows :
- Existence and stability of viscous shocks for viscous conservation laws with inhomogeneous flux.
- Asymptotic analysis (hydrodynamic limit, thermodynamic limit, etc) from kinetic equations to fluid equations.
- PDEs describing fluid flows such as Navier‑Stokes‑Coriolis type equations, Saint‑Venant system.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Vienne.
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Accueil : Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique : Fondement et Applications
Résumé :The project focusses on the definition and investigation of partial orders on (m + 2)‑angulations of an (mn + 2)‑gon, defined by "flipping" diagonals. For m = 1, this construction yields the Cambrian lattices associated with the symmetric group. For m > 1, there are several ways to define the required "flips", so that we will obtain a wealth of posets. It is one goal of the project to investigate similarities and differences among these posets, as well as to investigate the connection to related objects, like the m‑Tamari lattice and m‑cluster complexes.
De nationalité portugaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Montpellier 2.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :This Research Project aims to investigate various direct applications of the results in my thesis and, in parallel, to continue the development of the theory : first with a formalism of vanishing cycles for noncommutative motives and secondly, by exploring the theories of En‑noncommutative motives, for each n > 0, and the connection with Deformation Quantization.
TONITA Valentin
De nationalité roumaine, a soutenu sa thèse à Berkley.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :A K‑theoretic Landau‑Ginzburg/Calabi‑Yau mirror symmetry : study the relation between the quantum K‑theory of the quintic threefold and a properly defined quantum K‑theoretic version of FJRW theory.
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse à School of Mathematical Sciences, Fundan University.
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Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision
Résumé :Due to the complexity of well‑posedness and profile of entropy weak solutions, the controllability and (asymptotic) stabilization problems are difficult but worth to be investigated. In future research, we devote to studying more properties of the solutions and exploring new methods in depth for corresponding control problems of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in the context of entropy solutions, such as exact controllability, (asymptotic) stabilization.
ZHAO Zhiyan
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse au Département de mathématiques de Nanjing University.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :There is a great development for the KAM theory in the investigation of the Schroedinger operators, which is concerned with particles and waves in disordered media in quantum physics. However, the situation is much less clear in the presence of nonlinearity, even though the nonlinearity is very weak. Study on the property of such nonlinear systemss is interesting. My work is dedicated to the understanding of the dynamical behavior of such nonlinear PDEs.
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Californie.
Accueil : Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications
Résumé :My research project consists of two parts : the first is the study of the local behavior of Galois representations attached to nearly ordinary Hilbert modular forms ; the second is the study of special cases of the Mumford‑Tate conjecture.
ZHAO Gufang
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse au Northeastern University.
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :Applications of derived category of coherent shaves and oriented cohomology theories in representation theory.
Liste des post‑docs fléchés "Interaction"
De nationalité espagnole, a soutenu sa thèse à l'universitat Politècnica de Catalogne.
Accueil : Projet Emergence, IMJ
Résumé :It is devoted to the exhaustive study of the nonlinear dynamics of thermal convection in fast rotating spherical shells, for low Prandtl number fluids and non‑slip boundary conditions. Tools of Dynamical Systems theory, largely and successfully applied to systems with few degrees of freedom, will be used. Improved numerical techniques will be applied in order to extend the range of parameters of previous studies.
FANELLI Francesco
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à SISSA (Trieste) / Université Paris‑Est Créteil. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant au Centro di Ricerca Matematica "Ennio De Giorgi" /Scuola Normale Superiore de Pise.
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Accueil :Projet Emergence, IMJ
Résumé :I would like to study some partial differential equations coming from fluid‑dynamics. In particular, I want to focus on the Euler system with variable density, in both the incompressible and compressible instances. I would like also to carry on the study of second order hyperbolic operators with variable (say non‑Lipschitz) coefficients.
Liste des post‑docs non‑fléchés "Interaction"
De nationalité portugaise, a soutenu sa thèse au Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Page personnelle : Profil
Accueil : Laboratoire d'Analyse, Géométrie et Application
Résumé :I plan to continue my investigation of the basic theory and applications of factorization (or chiral) homology, which is a recent and important manifold‑theoretic invariant of En‑algebras. I will also develop my work on stratified spaces, and the "categories of descending paths" associated with them. These have multiple geometric and combinatorial applications, in particular to factorization homology. In the long term, I plan to focus on the compelling applications of the little discs operads and the novel "categories of sticky configurations" to the description of spaces of smooth and topological embeddings. This constitutes a natural setting, and a conjectural refinement for embedding calculus.
CHENG Xiuyuan
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse à Princeton.
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Accueil : Département de Mathématiques de l'ENS
Résumé :The proposed project aims at identifying the mathematical nature of "artistic styles" in music and paintings, and developing a classification algorithm to apply to digital art works. In the proposed model, "Art style" is seen as a set of invariants across the pieces of art works belonging to the same class. We will firstly investigate fine‑scale structures using their scattering representations. While the application to stylistic analysis is specific, the learning problem of extracting complex invariants from high‑dimensional data is generic, and a mathematical understanding is essential for developing efficient algorithms.
CHERNIKOV Artem (2 ans)
De nationalité russe, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université Claude Bernard à Lyon.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :Applications of model theory (generalized stability theory, forking calculus in NIP and NTP2) to algebraic and geometric questions in valued difference fields (e.g. non‑standard Frobenius automorphism acting on an algebraically closed valued field of characteristic 0) and in ultraproducts of p‑adics.
DINUR Itai (2 ans)
De nationalité Israélienne, a soutenu sa thèse au Weizmann Institute.
Page personnelle : Profil
Accueil : Département d'Informatique de l'ENS
Résumé :Secret key cryptographic primitives (block ciphers, stream ciphers, MACs and hash functions) play a very important role in secure communication. Since there is no method of formally proving that a cryptosystem is secure, there is no choice but to consider a cryptographic primitive secure if there are no known attacks against it. Thus, after a new cryptosystem is proposed (and before it is deployed), it should undergo extensive cryptanalytic effort to evaluate its resistance against known attacks, while trying to develop new techniques in order to break it. My main area of research is proposing new cryptanalytic techniques and applying them to both new and existing designs, focusing on algebraic techniques and analysis of generic constructions.
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse au Departement of Mathematical Sciences, Politecnico di Torino. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à l'ENS Cachan.
Site personnel : Site
Accueil : Accueilli au Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions
Résumé :The project deals with differential and integro‑differential equations relying on the formalism for structured populations and modelling the evolutionary dynamics of cancer cells, which express different phenotypic traits and are exposed to therapeutic actions. The project is devoted to define and study mathematical problems acting as in silico laboratories, where mechanisms that determine experimental results can be better understood. The mathematical interest lies in the formalism of constrained Hamilton‑Jacobi equations within the framework of viscosity solutions. The aim is to characterize the longterm temporal dynamics of the traits.
MATTHIESEN Lilian (2 ans)
De nationalité allemande, a soutenue sa thèse à l'université de Cambridge.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The aim of my project is to investigate the interaction between combinatorial number theory and Diophantine geometry, which was successfully started in a recent collaboration with T. Browning and A. Skorobogatov. In the first instance, several natural generalisations emerging from this project will be considered. These concern weak approximation and the Hasse principle for varieties arising from norm form equations.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Humboldt‑Universität de Berlin.
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Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décisions
Résumé :M. Gubinelli, P. Imkeller, and I recently developed a multi‑parameter extension of rough path theory. Building on deep insights of M. Hairer, this was applied to make sense of some nonlinear SPDEs with multidimensional spatial index set - largely an open field. My project at Paris‑Dauphine, together with M. Gubinelli, will focus on the further development of our theory and on its implications for nonlinear stochastic equations.
PETRACHE Mircea (2 ans)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'ETH de Zürich.
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Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions
Résumé :Etudier le modèle de Ginzburg‑Landau avec champ magnétique en dimension 3. Suite aux travaux importants de Baldo‑Jerrard‑Orlandi‑Soner, il reste à faire pour étudier les filaments de vorticité en dimension 3 et adapter au cas espace‑temps (dimension 2 en espace et 1 en temps) à la facon de Sandier‑Serfaty, ce qui peut servir à terme à traiter la dynamique d'un grand nombre de vortex dans le modèle Ginzburg‑Landau bi‑dimensionnel, un important problème ouvert. L'analyse des filaments de vorticité, via la théorie des courants ou varifolds, demande des compétences importantes en théorie de la mesure géométrique, lesquelles j'ai developpé pendant la rédaction de ma thése, qui concerne la regularité des courbures minimisant le fonctionnel de Yang‑Mills en dimension supercritique.
RUBIN Natan (2 ans)
De nationalité israélienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Tel Aviv.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The project addresses several fundamental problems in Discrete Geometry. I intend to revisit Geometric Transversals and tackle the celebrated weak epsilon‑net problem. I also plan to explore the curious relation between point, line, and hyperplane transversals (which lies at the heart of my Ph.D. result on geometric permutations). In addition, I want to simplify and extend my very recent analysis of the Delaunay triangulation of moving points.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse au Goethe University of Frankfurt. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à McGill University de Montréal.
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Accueil : Equipe projet RAP de Inria
Résumé :My research plan consists of a further development of the method in particular with respect to random real trees as scaling limits of random trees. Here, we are mainly interested in left open problems from our joint work on the dual tree of recursive laminations of the disk and a more direct approach to this (and similar) problems not relying on the contour function. Another project is the development of the contraction method in function spaces with multiple parameters.
VRITSIOU Beatrice‑Helen
De nationalité grecque, a soutenu sa thèse à la National and Kapodistrian University d'Athènes. Elle est actuellement post‑doctorante/Assistant Professor à l'University of Michigan.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :The starting point of my proposed research would be questions arising from the three papers I have authored or coauthored up to now. These include a number of basic questions about the distribution of volume in isotropic convex bodies. In two of the papers, the main results are reductions of the well‑known hyperplane conjecture to the study of parameters which one can define for any isotropic convex body or any isotropic logarithmically‑concave measure, and which seem worth studying in their own right as they give rise to new questions about the "shape" and geometry of the isotropic position. On the other hand, in the third paper we exploit basic properties of the isotropic position that are already known so as to give an alternative proof of the reverse Santaló inequality that makes use only of convex‑geometric tools. The method introduced there can potentially be applied to give simpler proofs of other results as well which concern affine invariant parameters of convex bodies.
De nationalité russe, a soutenu sa thèse à Lomonosov Moscow State University.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Résumé :Studying of interval identification systems which are a kind of generalization of interval exchange transformations and interval translation mappings.
De nationalité anglaise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université d'Oxford. Actuellement post‑doctorant/courant instructor au New‑York University.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques Appliquées de l'ENS
Résumé :Les cristaux liquides constituent une classe de systèmes de la physique de la matière condensée composés de particules élémentaires anisotropes. À cause de la complexité des modèles moléculaires, les modèles effectifs sont souvent préférés. En ce qui concerne les cristaux liquides nématiques, le Q‑tenseur de Pierre‑Gilles de Gennes est un paramètre d'ordre macroscopique approprié qui est populaire parmi les physiciens et dans l'industrie. Malgré le succès de ce paramètre d'ordre dans la domaine de la physique, sa justification mathématique rigoureuse n'est pas encore établie. Nous proposons de justifier le Q‑tenseur, tout d'abord pour des systèmes de particules dilués et puis pour des systèmes denses. Nous utiliserons des techniques de limites thermodynamiques (pour obtenir un modèle cinétique à partir de la dynamique classique des molécules anisotropes), ainsi que des techniques de limites hydrodynamiques.
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l’université du Michigan. Il est actuellement post doctorant à l'IMPA.
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Thématique : Degeneracy loci and G2 flags
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :The proposed research will investigate the use of group actions on algebraic varieties to explore their topology and geometry. I plan to use localization techniques from equivariant cohomology and K‑theory, as well as new ideas from the theory of jet schemes, to study Schubert varieties, toric varieties, and related spaces. In a different but related direction, the proposed project will include a study of the so‑called "Newton‑Okounkov bodies" of such varieties, with a view toward extending the correspondence between toric varieties and polytopes to more general varieties and convex bodies.
De nationalité arménienne, a soutenu sa thèse à la Otto‑von‑Guericke University Magdeburg, Allemagne. Elle est actuellement chercheur à l'Université de Bergen en Norvège.
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Thématique : Boolean Functions for Cryptography
Accueil : Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications (P13, CNRS)
Résumé :Boolean functions are ubiquitous, occurring at the heart of virtually all known digital systems. The main aim of this projct is construction and analysis of Boolean functions for applications in cryptography. These Boolean functions are important to improve the security of modern communication systems. Many basic problems on cryptographic Boolean functions remain open and the goal is to solve fully or partially several of these open problems.
De nationalité espagnole, a soutenu sa thèse à l’université de Cambridge. Il est actuellement au Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics à Budapest.
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Thématique : Developments at the interface between combinatorics and Fourier analysis
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, CNRS)
Résumé :The overall objective of this project is to contribute to arithmetic combinatorics and the related theory of higher‑order Fourier analysis and its applications. One central direction involves investigating further the connection between nilmanifolds and the Gowers‑Host‑Kra uniformity norms, especially towards establishing new analogues, in higher‑order Fourier analysis, of useful tools and results from classical Fourier analysis.
CHUNG Jaywan
De nationalité coréenne, a soutenu sa thèse au KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). Post‑doctorant au Department of Mathematial Sciences, KAIST.
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Thématique : Moments determine long‑time asymptotics for diffusion equations
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions (UPMC, CNRS)
Résumé :The applicant is interested in evolution of a zero level set in partial differential equations. For a solution of one dimensional second order parabolic equations, number of zeros of the solution does not increase. In the project, the applicant will study some conditions under which nonincreasing property still holds for multi‑dimensions. Also, issues on nonlinear PDEs and population dynamics will be dealt in a proper setting.
De nationalité portugaise, a soutenu sa thèse à la Technical University of Darmstadt, Allemagne.
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Thématique : Proof interpretations : theoretical and practical aspects
Accueil : Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes, CNRS, UPD‑P7 et Equipe PiR2, INRIA
Résumé :Mathematicians commonly use an indirect method of proof, while a direct method is preferable. Proof interpretations are powerful tools in mathematical logic that transform indirect proofs into direct proofs. So far my research is confined to proof interpretations in the context of arithmetic. I plan to expand my research in proof interpretations to the largest of all contexts : set theory, the foundation of (almost) all mathematics.
De nationalité russe, a soutenu sa thèse à la Northwestern University USA. Il est actuellement au Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe.
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Thématique : Resurgent analysis of the Witten Laplacian in One Dimension
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :Connections among Voros‑Ecalle's resurgence, Algebraic analysis of Kashiwara‑Schapira, and the Fukaya category.
HUBARD Alfredo
De nationalité mexicaine, a soutenu sa thèse à la New York University USA.
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Thématique : Geometric Coincidences
Accueil : Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’ENS ( ENS, CNRS, INRIA)
Résumé :We will work in applications of geometry and topology to combinatorics and algorithms. In particular we will focus on Turan‑type results around embeddability of simplicial complexes and related combinatorial waist inequalities.
De nationalité danoise a soutenu sa thèse à la Copenhagen University. Il est actuellement à Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati.
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Thématique : A calculation of the multiplicative character on higher algebraic K‑theory
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :The first aim is to show how the concept of joint torsion of commuting Fredholm operators developed by R. Carey and J. Pincus admits a far reaching generalization using the framework of determinant functors on triangulated categories as introduced by M. Breuning. The second aim is to show how the joint torsion can be computed by a local formula in the case of Toeplitz operators arising from tuples of holomorphic functions on the poly‑disc. The local quantity is a product of tame symbols computed on a Riemann surface obtained by an intersection of zero‑loci.
De nationalité moldave et roumaine, a soutenu sa thèse à la Copenhagen University. Il est actuellement professeur au Queen's University de Kingston.
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Thématique : Multigraded Regularity and Asymptotic Invariants
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :My main work is in Algebraic Geometry and its connections to Commutative Algebra and Convex Geometry. The six labs associated to the Foundation have amazing groups in algebraic geometry. Besides S. Diverio, I would like to work with C. Peskine and S. Boucksom, to whom my work is very related. Both of them are at Institut de Mathématiques Université Pierre et Marie Curie. I would like to continue my projects on vanishing theorems, multigraded Castelnuovo‑Mumford regularity, Okounov bodies and the volume function. And with the help and coordination of the people, I mentioned above, I believe that my work will be very successful.
MALE Camille
De nationalité française a soutenu sa thèse à l’ENS de Lyon. Il est actuellement chargé de recherche CNRS à l'Université Paris 5.
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Thématique : Forte et fausse libertés asymptotiques de grandes matrices aléatoires
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :Je souhaiterai, dans mes projets de recherche à venir, continuer à développer la notion de distribution de trafics. Je souhaiterai introduire une famille d'objets que l'on pourrait qualifier de famille des trafics gaussiens, qui interpolerai de façon intrinsèque une variable aléatoire gaussienne et un opérateur semicirculaire. Je souhaiterai appliquer des techniques de calcul développées en thèse, de type méthode des moments, pour caractériser les vecteurs propres de certaines familles de matrices aléatoires. Je voudrais également revoir la théorie des matrices à bandes avec les outils des distributions de trafics.
PARSONS Todd (2 ans)
De nationalité canadienne soutenu sa thèse l’université de Toronto.
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Thématique : Asymptotic Analysis of Some Stochastic Models from Population Dynamics and Population Genetics
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :Developing a mathematical framework to understand genomic evolution in the presence of neutral networks. Genomes are modeled as a graph, with one vertex for each genome, and edges connecting two genomes that differ by a single mutation. Phenotypes are assigned to genotypes by a random vertex coloring. A neutral network is a connected monochromatic subgraphs. I will consider finite populations, each of which has genotype that determines stochastic rates of birth, death an mutation. I will study the role of neutral networks in facilitating adaptive evolution and maintaining genetic diversity. I will also consider superprocess limits for large populations analogous to the Fleming‑Viot model, as well as the dual historical process.
De nationalité allemande a soutenu sa thèse à l’Université de Cologne. Il est actuellement à l'Institut für Informatik à l'Université de Köln.
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Thématique : The Structure of Dominating Subgraphs
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :The envisaged project concerns a topic from graph theory, namely the well‑studied concept of independence. I plan to study graphs that admit two disjoint maximal independent sets. This problem is motivated from the idea of building robust solutions to the independent set problem and it dates back to Berge and Erdös. My project is threefold : I aim to develop sufficient conditions for the existence of two disjoint maximal independent sets, give polynomial decision algorithms and investigate optimization aspects of the problem.
De nationalité canadienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l’UC Berkeley, USA. Il est actuellement CLE Moore Instructor et NSF postdoctoral fellow au MIT.
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Thématique : C0 Rigidity in Floer theory and Hofer geometry
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, CNRS)
Résumé :My research is in the field of symplectic geometry. In particular, I am interested in C0‑symplectic geometry, Floer theory, Hamiltonian dynamics, and Hofer geometry. My thesis includes a uniqueness theorem for continuous Hamiltonian flows, which was proven in collaboration with L. Buhovsky, and results on C0‑continuity properties of Hamiltonian spectral invariants, the spectral metric, and the Hofer metric. I intend to continue my investigation of C0‑continuity properties of various Floer‑theoretic and Hofer‑geometric constructions.
De nationalité canadienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l’UC Berkeley, USA. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant au Département de mathématiques de l'Université de Ghent.
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Thématique : On the complexity of mathematical problems : Medvedev degrees and reverse mathematics
Accueil : Laboratoire d’Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications (UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :I study the relative complexity of mathematical problems in the context of Medvedev and Muchnik degrees of unsolvability. The Medvedev and Muchnik degrees formalize the "problem B is computationally at least as hard as problem A", and much of my work has been toward characterizing the complexity of this relation by characterizing the complexity of the first‑order theories of the Medvedev degrees, the Muchnik degrees, and their substructures. One main goal of the project is to characterize the complexity of the first‑order theory of the effectively closed Muchnik degrees. Another goal of the project is to characterize the difficulty of randomness extraction in terms of Medvedev and Muchnik degrees.
ZHANG Shiquan (2 ans)
De nationalité chinoise a soutenu sa thèse à la Sichuan University. Il est actuellement au Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics.
Site personnel : Site
Thématique : The research of new divergence‑free finite element methods for Darcy‑Stokes‑Brinkman problems
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions (UPMC, CNRS)
Résumé :The goal of the proposed research is to contribute to developing and analyzing of reduced basis methods based, efficient algorithms for pore scale 3D simulations of Li‑ion batteries. Special attention will be paid to the selection of the trail set, to the implementation, and to the analysis of the algorithms. Industrial partners will be involved in specifying the tasks,the range of the parameters, and in validation of the results.
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse l’université de Nanjing.
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Thématique : Asymptotic Analysis of Some Stochastic Models from Population Dynamics and Population Genetics
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :My future work will mainly includes four parts :
- Spectral theory of Quasi‑periodic Schrödinger operators (absolutely continuous spectrum, regularity of IDS)
- Renormalization (the parabolic behavior in the local or global regime)
- Quasi‑periodically forced circle diffeomorphism (linearization of the system with super‑Liouvillean frequency, and global linearization results)
- Elliptic lower dimensional tori (existence of elliptic lower dimensional tori with Liouvillean frequency).
Programme Emergence
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse à l’Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science.
Thématique : Programme Emergence - Instabilités Hydrodynamiques
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Et Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision de l’Université Paris‑Dauphine (Dauphine‑CNRS)
Résumé :The ambition of our research program is to study the contact problem in fluid‑solid dynamics within more realistic nonlinear models, Navier‑Stokes/Newton (NS‑N) system. The goal of the postdoc is twofold :
- To develop the Cauchy theory for (NS‑N).
- To establish the blow‑up of solutions of (NS‑N) through contact, in the slip case).
BECKER Stephen (2 ans)
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse au California Institute of Technology. Il est actuellement Assistant Professor à l'University du Colorado, Boudler.
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Thématique : Optimisation et traitement de l'information
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions (UPMC, CNRS)
Résumé :The research program will be on efficient first‑order methods for convex optimization problems that arise in signal processing. With my host Patrick Combettes, I will work on theoretical aspects of these methods, and in particular I will study the interplay between splitting and gradient methods. I also plan to work on applications and collaborate with several Paris‑area researchers.
BROADBENT Christopher
De nationalité britannique, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Oxford University Computing Laboratory.
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Thématique : Automates
Accueil : Laboratoire d’Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications (UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :Collapsible pushdown automata (CPDA) provide a useful model of higher‑order computation. Unfortunately they have a number of short comings. We propose an alternative model of computation called "well‑nested collapsible pushdown automata" that we believe to be more elegant and for which stronger properties should hold. We further believe that they are more expressive than CPDA and so could model a broader range of computational phenomena.
DAVISON Ben (2 ans)
De nationalité britannique, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Oxford University.
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Thématique : Géométrie algébrique non commutative
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :I intend to work on various projects in homotopical algebra, topology and geometry. In particular, I will be studying invariants of 3‑Calabi‑Yau categories, as well as the technical machinery required to extend our understanding of these categories to n‑Calabi‑Yau categories, for n greater than 3.
EMMI Michael
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of California (LA). Actuellement PhD Researcher à l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles (USA).
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Thématique : Vérification
Accueil : Laboratoire d’Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications (UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :We investigate formal verification of computer software, including the development of formal models, correctness criteria, complexity analysis for the relevant verification problems, and practical algorithmic solutions. As today’s software is decreasingly likely to be executed sequentially, verification of concurrent software is a key problem. Concurrent software is notoriously hard to design due to the high complexity of reasoning about intricate interactions of concurrent tasks. Systematic methods for formal reasoning are thus necessary. This project addresses the general problem of designing algorithmic formal verification methods to check the correctness of, detect inconsistencies in, and synthesize repairs for, concurrent programs. This is a very important and active research area, with challenging theoretical problems—e.g., establishing effective formal concurrency models and correctness criteria, establishing computational complexity results for the relevant verification problems—as well as challenging practical problems—e.g., developing efficient verification algorithms for concurrency libraries and concurrent applications.
De nationalité israélienne, a soutenu sa thèse au Courant Institute (NY). Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à l'Université d'Alberta au Canada.
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Thématique : Analyse fonctionnelle
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :This research program focuses on the "local" theory of Banach spaces : the study of properties which depend only on the structure of finite dimensional subspaces. One goal of this program is to have a better understanding of the relation between the (linear) notions of Rademacher type and cotype and their metric analogues. This is closely related to nonlinear embedding problems, which will also be studied. Another goal of the program is to study smoothing operators acting on Banach space valued functions, and their relation to Lipschitz extension problems.
LORZ Alexander (2 ans)
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of Cambridge (UK). Il est actuellement maître de conférence à l'UPMC.
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Thématique : Mathématiques et Biologie
Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions (UPMC, CNRS) et INRIA
Résumé :We have already studied nonlocal Lotka‑Volterra models arising to describe adaptation/mutations in populations. These models have the property that solutions concentrate as moving Dirac masses in the limit of small diffusion. During my postdoc, I would like to investigate : What are the dynamics of multiple Dirac masses ? Is there a different scaling to obtain a completely local canonical equation ? What would be a numerical method better adapted to these localized solutions ? How can these models help to understand why resistances against drugs develop in therapeutic processes ?
De nationalité chinoise, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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Thématique : Equations aux dérivéees partielles, mécanique des fluides
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, CNRS)
Résumé :The two‑fluid system problem consists of two superposed different incompressible fluids with surface tension on the interface. This problem is very interesting and difficult in physics and mathematics. Prof. D. Lannes and I plan to consider the long‑time well‑posedness (under certain scaling regimes) of two‑fluid systems in which the upper or lower fluid has an infinite depth. We also want to prove that the two‑fluid problem can be well approximated by the Benjamin‑Ono equations in a proper time scale.
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse en 2010 à l'Universita degli studi di Milano. Actuellement maître de conférences à l'université de Bordeaux.
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Thématique : Hodge theory for singular complex varieties
Accueil : Institut Mathématiques de Jussieu - Formes automorphes -
PERDUCA Vitorrio (2 ans)
De nationalité italienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Università degli Studi di Torino.
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Thématique : Statistique Algébrique
Accueil : Laboratoire Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5 (UP5, CNRS)
Résumé :My research interests are algebraic geometry and algebraic and statistical methods in computer science and computational biology. My research plan is the study of Bayesian networks and random graphs, also using algebraic techniques, with applications in post‑genomics. In particular, I would like to study new message propagation algorithms for BNs and investigate applications of the Stochastic Block Model for random graphs.
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Mannheim. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à l'Université de Mannheim.
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Thématique : Symétrie miroir
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, CNRS)
Résumé :This project aims at a deeper understanding of the various objects of mirror symmetry. In particular the relationship between the B‑models of Calabi‑Yau and Fano manifolds and their related non‑commutative Hodge structures shall be investigated. This should give some information on the Betti structure and the maximal unipotent boundary point of the Calabi‑Yau B‑model.
ALBIN Pierre
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Standford. Il est actuellement assistant professeur à l'Université de l'Illinois (Urbana‑Champaign).
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Thématique : Analyse microlocale et geométrie - the Gauss Bonnet Theorem and index theory on conformally compact manifolds
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :This project will study both group actions and analytic torsion. The latter will be studied on asymptotically hyperbolic spaces by renormalized integrals and the pseudodifferential methods of Mazzeo and Melrose. The former will be studied using methods of Albin and Melrose that yield a new description of Borel's equivariant cohomology and a refined theory of "delocalized" equivariant cohomology. It will benefit from the presence of experts like Profs. Bismut, Vergne, Skandalis, and Ma and the collaboration of Leichtnam, Guillarmou, and Mazzeo.
DOERING Leif (2 ans)
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Berlin. Il est actuellement au département de mathématiques de l'ETH Zürich.
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Thématique : Dynamique de population
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :The symbiotic branching model is a system of two stochastic pdes unifying the parabolic Anderson model from statistical physics, mutually catalytic branching from pure probability, and the stepping stone mode from genetics by a single correlation parameter. As those models behave very differently there are different regimes in the symbiotic branching model which can be attacked by different duality techniques. The existing techniques seem to be exhausted to prove further results. We aim at developing new techniques to study existence of solutions in higher dimensions, the exact wavespeed, and more precise convergence properties in law and pathwise.
EMMI Michael
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Californie - Los Angeles.
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Thématique : Vérification - Verifying High‑Level Correctness in Low‑Level Software
Accueil : Laboratoire d’Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications (UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :Concurrent systems are hard to design due to the high complexity of their behaviors resulting on tremendously large and intricate interactions of their components. The project addresses the general issue of designing algorithmic formal verification methods for concurrent programs allowing to check their correctness and detect their inconsistencies. This is a very important and active research area, with challenging problems both from the theoretical point of view (e.g., formal modeling and specification framework, expressiveness and decidability issues, computational complexity of the considered problems) and the practical point of view (e.g., algorithmic issues, efficient techniques for reducing the size of the problems, etc)
HEIDERICH Florian (2 ans)
De nationalité allemande, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Barcelone. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à l'Université de Moscou.
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Thématique : Théorie de Galois différentielle
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :We developed a unified general Galois theory including the non‑linear differential and difference Galois theories of Umemura and Morikawa. The proposed project includes further generalizations as well as arithmetical applications : We are going to study the arithmetic of discrete dynamical systems in positive characteristic and the behavior of our Galois group under specialization and lifting‑questions. Further we are going to show how our theory specializes to the linear theories of André and Hardouin and to strongly normal extensions in characteristic p defined by Moreno.
JUNG Miyoun
De nationalité coréenne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'UCLA. Elle est actuellement Professor Assistant au Département de Mathématiques au Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
Thématique : Calcul scientifique et imagerie Image restoration and segmentation in a variational framework
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision de l’Université Paris‑Dauphine (Dauphine‑CNRS)
Résumé :The first project is to develop methods based on minimal paths approach, for automatic detection and extraction of blood vessels in placenta images or for automatic tracking of 3D neurons. This can help increase efficiency and reduce costs for emerging placental or neural researches. The second project is to formulate curvelet based nonlocal methods with applications to image processing problems such as image denoising, image inpainting as well as compressive sensing.
De nationalité américaine, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Yale. Il est actuellement Professeur Assistant à l'Université d'Alberta, Canada.
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Thématique : Formes automorphes
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UPMC, UP7, CNRS)
Résumé :We are interested in the theory of automorphic forms on certain infinite dimensional groups called loop groups. Garland has developed the analytic theory of Eisenstein series for such groups, and we are investigating the connections between this work and the usual theory of automorphic forms on finite dimensional groups. Recently with Braverman and Kazhdan, we have been studying the local theory of Hecke algebras on p‑adic loop groups. This work exhibits strong parallels with the work of Schiffmann and Vasserot on Hall algebras of elliptic curves. Our proposal is to study the precise connection between our two works. Doing so is expected to shed light on a number of questions, and especially on a certain mysterious modularity phenomenon which underlies much of the theory of automorphic forms on loop groups.
De nationalité espagnole, a soutenu sa thèse à l'université de Barcelone.
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Thématique : Équations aux dérivées partielles - Analysis of several kinetic and diffusive models in physics and mathematical biology
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision de l’Université Paris‑Dauphine (Dauphine‑CNRS)
Résumé :We aim to study some kind of Fokker‑Planck equations with non‑linear drifts. Namely we are interested in a equation of the form $$frac{d}{dt} f=nablacdot(nabla f + vf(1+f))$$, which models the behavior of a cloud of Bosonic particles. In high dimensions blow‑up may occour for this equation. In order to acquire some understanding of the concentration phenomena, we consider a simplified model in which the nonlinearity has a simple homogeneity : $$frac{d}{dt} f=nablacdot(nabla f + vf^p)$$.
TEIXERIA Augusto (2 ans)
Lauréat 2010 du Fonds AXA pour la Recherche. De nationalité brésilienne, a soutenu sa thèse à l'ETH Zurich.
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Thématique : Marches aléatoires
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, CNRS)
Résumé :During the next years, I will continue performing research in the field of probability theory. More specifically, I plan to continue the study of random interlacements. During the last two years there has been an intense investigation of this model and its relations with random walks on : discrete tori, discrete cylinders and random d‑regular graphs. The random interlacements model offers a big variety of relevant open questions which are expected to be answered in the close future, some of which I already have a clear idea on how to approach.
ARSENIO Diogo (2 ans)
De nationalité portugaise et suisse, a soutenu sa thèse à la New York University (USA). Il est actuellement chargé de recherche CNRS, IMJ équipe fonctionnelle.
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Thématique : Limite hydrodynamique
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications – UMR 8553 CNRS – ENS, Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions – UMR 7598 CNRS, UPMC
Résumé :The proposed scientific plan studies fluidodynamic limits of classical (Boltzmann) and quantum (Fermi‑Dirac, Bose‑Einstein) kinetic equations and of models for superconductivity (Ginzburg‑Landau). It contains the following projects :
- Mild solutions of Boltzmann's equation
- Long range interactions and smoothness estimates
- Kinetic models for superfluids
- Hydrodynamic limit of Boltzmann towards incompressible Euler
- Limiting vorticities with prescribed behavior for the Ginzburg‑Landau equations.
BALWE Chetan (2 ans)
De nationalité indienne, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of Pittsburgh (USA). Il est actuellement professeur à l'Université de Pittsburg.
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Thématique : Géométrie algébrique
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications – UMR 8553 CNRS - ENS
Résumé :My Ph.D. dissertation extends the theory of geometric motivic integration to Artin n‑stacks. However, there are other variants of the theory of motivic integration, such as arithmetic motivic integration. Arithmetic motivic integration and geometric motivic integration are unified via the theory of constructible functions as developed by Cluckers and Loeser. I propose to attempt to extend those methods to Artin stacks as well.
De nationalité italienne, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of Maryland, College Park (USA). ERC Research Associate in Mathematics jusqu'en 2013, project Macroscopiec Laws and Dynamical Systems (ERC Adg Malady 246953). Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à l'Université de Toronto - Mississauga.
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Thématique : Measure of escaping
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :I plan to further improve the results I am obtaining in my Ph.D. thesis about the measure of escaping orbits in a infinite measure dynamical system, and apply them to concrete Hamiltonian Systems (such as some 𝓃‑body problems). Moreover, some of the results can also be used to study the dynamics of the standard map, and I plan to further investigate such ideas.
GRAHAM Benjamin (2 ans)
De nationalité britannique,ill a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of Cambridge (UK). Il est actuellement Professeur‑Assistant à l'Université de Warwick.
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Thématique : Percolation
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications – UMR 8553 CNRS - ENS
Résumé :Statistical mechanics is the branch of physics that seeks to explain the properties of matter that emerge from microscopic scale interactions. Most models are not exactly solvable. Simple local interactions produce complex long range behaviour. I hope to investigate topics including percolation, the random‑cluster model, the Ising and Potts models, Voronoi percolation, first passage percolation, and the self avoiding walk.
Publications en lien avec le post‑doc :
- Helffer‑Sjöstrand representation for conservative dynamics with Thierry Bodineau - Proceedings of IRS 2010, Markov Processes and Related Fields
- Sublinear variance for directed last passage percolation - Journal of Theoretical Probability
- Borel type bounds for the self‑avoiding walk connective constant Figure : The oscillating coefficients of the spherical model series expansion - Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical 43:235001, 2010
Autres publications :
- Sharp thresholds for the random‑cluster and Ising models with Geoffrey Grimmett -Annals of Applied Probability, 21(1):240‑265, 2011
- Rate of relaxation for a mean‑field zero‑range process Animation : The empirical distribution : one million boxes, and twenty balls per box - Annals of Applied Probability, 19(2):497‑520, 2009
- Influence and sharp‑threshold theorems for monotonic measures with Geoffrey Grimmett -Annals of Probability, 34(5):1726‑1745, 2006(In Beffara & Duminil‑Copin, Theorem 2.10 is used to show : "The self‑dual point of the two‑dimensional random‑cluster model is critical for q?1")
- Random‑current representation of the Blume‑Capel modelwith Geoffrey Grimmett
De nationalité vietnamienne, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'indiana University (USA). Prager Assistant Professor à l'Université de Brown jusque fin 2012, il est actuellement Assistant Professor au Penn State University.
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Thématique : EDP hyperbolique, Long‑time stability of viscous boundary layers
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :One and multi‑dimensional asymptotic stability of arbitrary‑amplitude noncharacteristic viscous boundary layers of gas dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics equations.
De nationalité italienne, il a soutenu sa thèse au Sissa, Trieste, Italie. il est désormais maître de conférence à l'université de Bourgogne et bénéficie d'une Chaire CNRS.
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Thématique : Symplectic Field Theory, Gromov‑Witten theory and Integrable Systems
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Géométrie algébrique complexe- UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :I propose to continue the study of the relation between Symplectic Field Theory, Gromov‑Witten theory and Integrable Systems, both in general and in specific examples in higher dimensions than the already considered target (orbi)curves case. Moreover I plan to extend my Mirror Symmetry results to a more general class of target orbicurves and related Landau‑Ginzburg models.
De nationalité française, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of Oxford (UK). Actuellement, maître de conférence à Paris Dauphine.
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Site personnel : Site
Thématique : Statistique Bayésienne
Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision de l’Université Paris‑Dauphine – UMR 7534 CNRS Dauphine
Résumé :Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is a likelihood‑free statistical estimation method. It is of particular use for complex models for which the likelihood cannot be computed. It has potential to be used in a wide variety of contexts, but refinement work is still needed. In particular, research is needed on the selection of appropriate statistics of the data to be used to estimate model parameters. It is also necessary to adapt other statistical methods in order to increase the otherwise very low acceptance rate in the algorithm.
SPÄTH Britta
De nationalité allemande, elle a soutenu sa thèse au Kaiserlautern. Elle est actuellement maître de conférence au Technische Universität de Kaiserslautern.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe des Groupes Finis - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :The project is located in the representation theory of finite groups. Its aim is a step towards the proof of the McKay conjecture for all groups and the MAKRODINU conjecture for reductive groups. These conjectures relate the local with the global structure of groups. Because of a recent reduction theorem of Isaacs, Malle and Navarro the simple groups of Lie type play a key role in the proof of the McKay conjecture. A major step in the proofs for the reductive groups is a better understandig of the respresentation theory of groups defined by special tori, the φd‑tori of the related algebraic groups.
SHEROTZKE Sarah (2 ans)
De nationalité allemande, elle a soutenu sa thèse à l'University of Oxford (UK). Elle est actuellement post‑doctorante à l'Université de Bonn.
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Thématique : Classification of tensor categories
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe des Groupes Finis - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :I plan to work on the classification of tensor categories. Recently published papers by Deligne and Knop provide a new perspective on tensor categories. The first step for me will be to develop new constructions for tensor categories, especially for such tensor categories which are not semi‑simple. This would extend the work of Deligne and Knop. The main interest is to understand such categories more generally for fields of arbitrary characteristic and work towards a classification of tensor categories.As a second project I also plan to analyse Auslander‑Reiten components of bounded derived categories.
ZEILBERGER Noam (2 ans)
De nationalité américaine, il a soutenu sa thèse à la Carnegie Mellon University (USA).
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Accueil : Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes - UMR 7126 CNRS, UPD P7
Résumé :My thesis work was originally motivated by the desire to explain some anomalies in so‑called refinement type systems for functional programming languages like ML. These systems incorporate richer types, such as intersections and unions, to allow programmers to express and automatically verify stronger invariants of their data structures and algorithms. But the presence of side‑effects (e.g., mutable storage, callcc) in languages like ML leads to some strange type‑theoretic artifacts, unanticipated from the standard (and quite old) theory of intersection types...
13 nouveaux post‑doctorants ont été retenus parmi 86 candidats, dont 20 sont de formation doctorale française.
Seuls deux des candidats retenus ont soutenu leur thèse en France.
De nationalité suédoise, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'IMPA, Brésil.
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications – UMR 8553 CNRS - ENS
Résumé :This project aims at expanding our understanding of differentiable dynamics as seen from the statistical viewpoint, by establishing existence and finitude of physical measures for large classes of dissipative systems. Focus lies on generic partially hyperbolic systems for which any kind of of non‑uniform hyperbolicity is either hard to detect or non‑existent.
De nationalité luxembourgeoise, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'ETH Zurich. Il exerce désormais au sein de l’autorité de régulation des marchés financiers du Luxembourg.
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires - UMR 7599 CNRS, UPMC, UPD P7
Résumé :As a further development of our work on diffusions in random environment, we propose to improve the socalled effective criterion for ballistic behaviour and examine the conjecture that the conditions (Tγ) for γ in (0, 1] are all equivalent. Still in the domain of random environments, we intend to study random walk in random potential and explore its analogies with directed polymers. In particular, we would like to show diffusive behaviour of the walks end point when forced to reach a distant hyperplane in the low disorder regime and in dimension larger than three. Finally we would like to apply ideas from last passage percolation and directed polymers to the study of the flux function governing the hydrodynamic limit of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with site disorder.
De nationalité uruguayenne, il a soutenu sa thèse au Trinity College, University of Cambridge (UK). Il est actuellement « Research Fellow », au Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge.
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Thématique : Higher dimensional category theory, in particular monoidal bicategories and applications.
Accueil : Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes - UMR 7126 CNRS, UPD P7
Résumé :My broad interest is in higher dimensional category theory, in particular monoidal bicategories and applications. During my PhD I have been working on the relationship between higher categories and Hopf algebras. Higher categories are higher dimensional analogues of categories, in the same way as homotopies are of higher dimension than curves. Categories of higher dimension have been the subject of intense study in recent years because of their potential applications.
Publication durant son post‑doc :
- López Franco, Ignacio ; Street, Ross ; Wood, Richard J. Duals invert. Appl. Categ. Structures 19 (2011), no. 1, 321--361.
- López Franco, Ignacio L. Formal Hopf algebra theory. II. Lax centres. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213 (2009), no. 11, 2038--2054.
- Ferrer Santos, Walter ; López Franco, Ignacio. Monoidal categories of comodules for coquasi Hopf algebras and Radford's formula. Algebras, representations and applications, 107--135, Contemp. Math., 483, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009.
- López Franco, Ignacio L. Formal Hopf algebra theory. I. Hopf modules for pseudomonoids. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213 (2009), no. 6, 1046--1063.
LIU Ruochuan
De nationalité chinoise, il a soutenu sa thèseau MIT (USA). Il est actuellement assistant‑professeur à l'Université du Michigan.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe Formes automorphes - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :My current research focuses on the theory of (?, ?)‑modules and some related questions from the theory of p‑adic differential equations. In the first part of my thesis, I proved the Euler‑Poincaré characteristic formula and Tate local duality for (?, ?)‑modules over the Robba ring. The second part of my thesis concerns slope filtrations in family.
De nationalité française, elle a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Elle a été recrutée en 2009 en qualité de Maître de Conférence à l’Université Pierre‑et‑Marie‑Curie.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :Le premier projet de recherche concerne les antialgèbres de Lie d'Ovsienko. Ce sont des nouvelles structures introduites en 2007 par Ovsienko. On se propose d'Ètudier ces structures en développant les notions classiques de théorie de représentations (e.g algèbres enveloppantes, extension centrale...). Le deuxième projet se propose d'utiliser la combinatoire de la base canonique de Kashiwara‑Lusztig dans deux problèmes distincts. L'un propose de généraliser des constructions de variétés miroirs via dégénéréscences toriques de variétés dues à Batyrev et al. L'autre propose une étude algébrique de la théorie des cristaux continus récemment introduites par Biane, Bougerol, O'Connell en termes de mouvement Brownien.
TRIVELLATO ROLLA Leonardo (2 ans)
De nationalité brésilienne, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'Instituto de Matemática Pura e Apliada. Il est actuellement post doctorant à l'IMPA (Instituto Nacional de Matemática pura e aplicada).
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Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications – UMR 8553 CNRS - ENS
Résumé :I intend to continue research on the topics : Geometric and analytic techniques for the first and last passage percolation models ; Relaxation times for Glauber dynamics at zero and positive temperature ; Interacting random walk models. At the same time I intend to extend my research in the areas of my recent interest : Behavior of critical and near‑critical percolation and Ising model ; Multiscale techniques for critical processes in dimensions three and more ; Self‑interacting random walks and random walks in random environment. This proposal involves a broad collection of challenging problems concerning percolative systems. SLE techniques and multiscale arguments may be crucial for their solution. Multiscale techniques are very powerful but their use is still quite limited. I believe this situation can be improved.
De nationalité italienne, il a soutenu sa thèse à la Princeton University (USA). Il est actuellement professeur associé au département de mathématiques à l'Université degli study di Roma "Tor Vergata".
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Accueil : Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision de l’Université Paris‑Dauphine – UMR 7534 CNRS DAUPHINE
Résumé :My research interests are in the field of dynamical systems and particularly in the study of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics (Aubry‑Mather and Weak KAM theory) and their interplay with symplectic topology. As a Postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Mathematiques de la Decision de l'Université Paris‑Dauphine, I intend to continue my study on the structure of the action minimizing sets. A better comprehension of their topological properties, in fact, would provide a more clear picture of the balance between stable and unstable motions and a new understanding of the nature of Hamiltonian systems and the onset of chaos in classical mechanics. In particular I would extremely interested in collaborating with Prof. Patrick Bernard, whose work has deeply influenced mine so far.
SPÄTH Britta
De nationalité allemande, elle a soutenu sa thèse au Kaiserlautern. Elle est actuellement maître de conférence au Technische Universität de Kaiserslautern.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe des Groupes Finis - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :The project is located in the representation theory of finite groups. Its aim is a step towards the proof of the McKay conjecture for all groups and the MAKRODINU conjecture for reductive groups. These conjectures relate the local with the global structure of groups. Because of a recent reduction theorem of Isaacs, Malle and Navarro the simple groups of Lie type play a key role in the proof of the McKay conjecture. A major step in the proofs for the reductive groups is a better understandig of the respresentation theory of groups defined by special tori, the φd‑tori of the related algebraic groups.
De nationalité slovaque, il a soutenu sa thèse à la Simon Fraser University, Canada. Il est actuellement Post‑doctorant au Department Industrial Engineering and Operations Research de l'Université de Columbia, New‑York.
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Accueil : Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications – UMR 7089 CNRS, UPD
Résumé :We would like to study generalised colouring and constraint satisfaction problems on graphs and relationalstructures. We want to focus on structural and complexity results, in particular, prove the so‑called complexity dichotomies for these problems in selected cases. Our ultimate goal is to prove the well‑known Dichotomy Conjecture which states that every constraint satisfaction problem is either polynomial time solvable or NPcomplete. This conjecture has been open for almost two decades, and it has been a driving force in many recent developments in algorithmic and structural graph theory.
TSANKOV Todor (2 ans)
De nationalité bulgare, il a soutenu sa thèse au California Institute of Technology (USA). Il a été recruté en 2009 en qualité de Maître de Conférence à l’université Paris 7 Paris‑Diderot.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe d’Analyse Fonctionnelle - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :My main interests are in descriptive set theory and its connections with ergodic theory and analysis. I am interested in Polish groups, their actions, and the induced orbit equivalence relations. A large part of my dissertation work is in the theory of countable Borel equivalence relations and, more specifically, orbit equivalence of measure‑preserving group actions. In Paris I would be excited to work with Alain Louveau and his colleagues from l'Equipe d'Analyse Fonctionnelle as well as collaborate with set theorists from l'Equipe de Logique Mathématique.
Percolation dans des graphes de Cayley - Todor... par Sciences_Maths_Paris
WANG Zhiqiang (2 ans)
De nationalité chinoise, il a soutenu sa thèse à la Fudan University. Il est actuellement professeur associé (School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China).
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Accueil : Laboratoire Jacques‑Louis Lions – UMR 7598 CNRS, UPMC
Résumé :I will go on to study :
- global exact controllability and observability for more general hyperbolic systems with application to the related physical models ;
- essential relationship among exact controllability, observability and stability for quasilinear hyperbolic system ;
- corresponding problems in high space dimension. I want to learn some approaches to deal with control problems for nonlinear equations from Professor CORON. I am also interested in flow control problems and hope to understand more about it.
Publications :
- Jean‑Michel CORON, Olivier GLASS, Zhiqiang WANG, Exact boundary controllability for 1‑D quasilinear hyperbolic systems with a vanishing characteristic speed, SIAM J. Control Optim., 48 (2009), 3105--3122.
- Lina GUO, Zhiqiang WANG, Exact boundary observability for nonautonomous quasilinear wave equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 364 (2010), 41--50.
- Tatsien LI, Bopeng RAO, Zhiqiang WANG, Exact boundary controllability and observability for first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems with a kind of nonlocal boundary conditions, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 28 (2010), 243--257.
- Jean‑Michel CORON, Matthias KAWSKI, Zhiqiang WANG, Analysis of a conservation law modeling a highly re‑entrant manufacturing system, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 14 (2010), 1337--1359.
- Peipei SHANG, Zhiqiang WANG, Analysis and control of a scalar conservation law modeling a highly re‑entrant manufacturing system, J. Differential Equations, 250 (2011), no. 2, 949--982.
WEHRIL Stephan (2 ans)
De nationalité suisse, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université de Zurich. Actuellement assistant professeur à l'Université de Syracuse.
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Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :My field of research is knot theory and more specifically Khovanov homology. Khovanov homology is a new link invariant which generalizes the Jones polynomial and which can be seen as a combinatorial substitute for gauge theory. In my research work, I investigate algebraic and structural properties of Khovanov homology. I am also interested in the relation between Khovanov homology, Heegaard Floer homology and quantum invariants of three‑manifolds.
WILSON Benjamin
De nationalité australienne il a soutenu sa thèse à l’université de Sidney. Il est actuellement post‑doctorant à l'Université de Californie, San Diego.
Site personnel : Site
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe d’Analyse Fonctionnelle - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Thématique : Groupes de Lie
Résumé :I am interested broadly in representation theory, mathematics arising from conformal field theory, theoretical computer science and the philosophy of mathematics. My area of expertise is the representation theory of infinite‑dimensional Lie algebras. I have focused, in particular, upon imaginary highest‑weight representation theory, representations of polynomial Lie algebras, and exponential‑polynomial representations. There are three research project, alla concerning the representation theory of Lie algebras
En 2007, 4 post‑doctorants ont été retenus sur 33 candidats.
DODOS Pandelis
De nationalité grecque, il a soutenu sa thèse à l’université d’Athènes. Il a depuis lors été recruté en 2008 en qualité de Professeur à l’Université d’Athènes.
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Thématique : Interaction entre la théorie des Ensembles, l’Analyse et la Topologie
Accueil : Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe d’analyse fonctionnelle - UMR 7586 CNRS, UPMC, UPD
Résumé :We plan to investigate the interactions between Set Theory (mainly Descriptive Set Theory and Combinatorial Set Theory) and Analysis and Topology. In particular, we plan to study problems of the Geometry of Banach spaces, Polish groups, topological spaces related to Banach spaces and ideals on N. Specific projects include, among others, the investigation of strongly bounded classes of separable Banach spaces.
HALUPCZOK Immanuel (2 ans)
De double nationalité française et allemande, il a soutenu sa thèse à l’université de Freiburg. Il est actuellement professeur à l'Université de Leeds.
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Thématique : L’intégration motivique
Accueil : Département de Mathématiques et Applications - UMR 8553 CNRS - ENS
Résumé :Pour p suffisamment grand, les corps Qp et Fp⸨t⸩ se ressemblent. Pour certains énoncés qui disent cela d'une manière précise, on connaît des bornes explicites pour p ; pour d'autres, on n'en connaît pas encore. Le premier but du projet et de trouver des bornes dans les cas où on ne les connaît pas encore ; le deuxième but est d'améliorer les bornes connues. Pour le deuxième but, la méthode principale va être d'améliorer les algorithmes connus pour l'élimination des quantificateurs et la décomposition cellulaire dans des corps valués Henséliens à caractéristique résiduelle zéro.
MAUREL‑SÉGALA Edouard (2 ans)
De nationalité française, il a soutenu sa thèse à l’ENS Lyon. Il a été recruté en 2009 en qualité de Maître de Conférence à l’Université Paris XI - Orsay.
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Thématique : Autour des limites de grandes matrices aléatoires gaussiennes
Accueil : Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires - UMR 7599 CNRS, UPMC, UPD P7
Résumé :J'aimerais continuer à m'intéresser aux grandes matrices aléatoires comme j'ai commencé à le faire dans ma thèse. La combinatoire qui apparaît de manière naturelle dans ces modèles soulève encore de nombreuses questions ouvertes. Dans la continuité de ces idées, j'aimerais étudier les liens crées par la physique théorique entre matrices aléatoires et géométrie. Liens souvent encore mal compris d'un point de vue mathématique. Une autre thématique qui me tient à coeur est l'étude de systèmes de particules en lien avec les valeurs propres de matrices aléatoires dynamiques, que ce soit d'un point de vue macroscopique ou microscopique avec l'étude du processus de plus grande valeur propre.
MAZZA Damiano
De nationalité italienne, il a soutenu sa thèse à l'Université d'Aix‑Marseille 2, à l'Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy. Il a été reçu au CNRS au titre du concours 2008 de Chargé de recherche (Section 07 – informatique fondamentale). Il est actuellement chargé de recherche au laboratoire d'informatique de Paris Nord.
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Thématique : Sémantique de modèles du calcul concurrent basés sur la logique linéaire
Accueil : Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes - UMR 7126 CNRS, UPD P7
Résumé :Depuis longtemps on aspire à rapprocher le calcul concurrent de la logique, de manière similaire à la correspondance de Curry‑Howard pour la programmation fonctionnelle. Récemment, les travaux de Ehrhard et Laurent sur les réseaux d'interaction différentiels ont relancé le mouvement dans cette direction. A partir d'un résultat de séparation obtenu récemment avec Michele Pagani, ainsi que de mes travaux sur les réseaux multiport, et en adaptant les objets que j'ai développé pour interpréter les combinateurs d'interaction de Lafont (les "édifices"), nous proposons de développer une étude sémantique des réseaux différentiels, afin de définir des nouveaux systèmes logiques (dans le style de ludique) capables d'étendre Curry‑Howard à la concurrence.
Publication en lien avec son post‑doc :
- Damiano Mazza. Observational Equivalence and Full Abstraction in the Symmetric Interaction Combinators. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 5(4:6), 2009.
Autre publication :
- Patrick Baillot and Damiano Mazza. Linear Logic by Levels and Bounded Time Complexity. Theoretical Computer Science, 411(2):470‑503, 2010.